If you are abandoned ... Why does a man leave

“If you don’t have a husband, then you won’t lose him ..” - you can paraphrase the lines from a famous song like this. In general, you need to understand that there is no 100% guarantee for anything in this life. Well, it doesn’t happen like this: they got married and relaxed, as a result, the man left. Marriage for a woman is a big job. For a man, in some way, too, but a lot depends on the beautiful half.

And the departure of your loved one even before the wedding immediately gives you reason to think: either he got so bad for you, or something is wrong with you. Before blaming the runaway half, try again, without emotions, to analyze everything that happened between you, maybe you will understand at what point the relationship began to collapse.

Why does a man leave, reasons

1. Your clear superiority.

A smart woman will never infringe on the intellectual abilities of her man. He should feel like a leader in your couple. Let you know more, never show off your erudition, especially in the presence of friends or relatives. Infringed male pride will give rise to the thought of parting. Especially if you demonstrate your abilities constantly: with or without reason.

2. Do not take rubbish out of the hut.

Spilling out negative emotions in public is a very unwise act. If you allow yourself to insult your friend or husband in public on an ongoing basis, well, you see, no one can stand it. Find out the relationship at home.

3. Don't think that your lover's wallet is "rubber".

Of course, checking with money is the surest way to understand if he is ready for anything for you. But if you arrange such checks regularly, or roughly speaking, pull money out of it, your clear intentions will be revealed very soon. The "friendship" of a moneybag and a sort of profurset cannot continue indefinitely. Well, your relationship is clearly not in this category. And there is no need to transfer them there. Otherwise - all the same deplorable result.

4. It’s better to cry in a vest, but not in the one that is on it.

No one can listen to endless stories about your problems. Everyone has enough of their own. Let your relationship not be burdened by troubles from the outside. When you are together, enjoy each other's company.

5. Treason - that says it all.

If you know that you are to blame, well, what can you do, not every man is ready to forgive such an act. If you are really sure that this will not happen again, try to apologize, to make contact. In short, do something and you will be rewarded. And if he still does not return, then you will have valuable experience.

What if he's gone

  • First of all, try to calm down. I want to cry - cry. If he left for another, the emotional wound will not immediately heal, so give yourself time, do not impose on yourself the idea that you must forgive him now. Gradually (in six months - a year), emotions will subside, and you will be ready for a new relationship.
  • Don't blame yourself if you know there is a part in the breakup. We are all human, we all tend to make mistakes. Therefore, any situation exists in order to learn a lesson from it.
  • Leave the thought of trying to take revenge. As a rule, this does not end well. At the very least, you risk getting more problems than you currently have. Love spells and witchcraft are destructive to the human psyche, so even if you risk returning Him in this way, it will no longer be the same person you knew. “You won’t be forced to be nice” fits this situation very accurately.
  • Quickly finding a former classmate, colleague, or just an old acquaintance for the purpose of “replacement therapy” is also not an option. A person will very quickly realize that you are behaving inappropriately: you are imposing your society, and will avoid any meetings with you. Do you want to become a crazy divorced woman? If not, then don't do it, because information about your behavior will spread far into the circle of mutual acquaintances. Better let the old connections remain intact: they will still be useful to you.

And finally : always remember that everything goes for the best. Try to cheer up by going to a beauty salon (by the way, maybe you have already forgotten your way there, lost your fresh look, and with it your husband)? Go shopping , remember the last time you pampered yourself with a new thing. And there, you see, life will get better.

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