How to increase self-esteem

There is always a reason to praise yourself for something, even if this reason is very small, use it anyway, because great authority is built from small bricks, only you can raise your self-esteem to the desired level, but also lower yourself, as they say, below the plinth - also your will. Respect yourself and others will treat you the same way.

how to improve self-esteem

  • Imagine yourself as you would like to be, and momentarily transfer the image into reality. Why not become a super woman right now and today. Agree, entering the image, you will change both your gait and posture and your attitude to life in general. Try not to let go of this fruit (for now, fantasy), then you will merge with it after a while, and it will become your essence.
  •  Take your mistakes as an opportunity to improve. It is through mistakes that you reach the truth. In the end, as soon as this desperate thought arises of blaming yourself for failure, remember that who is not mistaken? That's right, who does nothing.
  • The principle always works: tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are. Therefore, try to communicate only with those people who have achieved something. The principle of transferring information will allow you to gain positive from them, the ability to achieve your goal, and generally be successful. It is better not to hang out with losers and not even keep up conversations during tea drinking.


  • Learn to accept compliments. You need to recognize yourself as an exemplary person. If you look good, then you are, and someone should learn this skill from you.
  • Learn to quickly get out of depression (by willpower), because the situation drags on those who do not know how to move away from it. And when chronic stuckness occurs, then self-esteem falls lower every day. Difficult circumstances are given to make you a little stronger.
  • Write down any achievements in life that you are proud of. Everyone has certainly had such moments. Only you forgot them a little: this is the nature of people - they focus more on the negative. You need to make an effort on yourself, and change your attitudes to positive ones (based on past successes).
  • To feel satisfied with yourself, do what you love. If you are still doing unloved work , then you are not just forcing yourself, you are deliberately lowering your self-esteem. And what will be the results? The further you go, the more you will be convinced that nothing works out for you or that it turns out not at all what you would like. So you are an "incapable worker" - that would be the conclusion.
  • Use the opportunities and chances that are given to you. Be careful, every day a person opens up new perspectives. If you do not notice and use them, then in the end you will come to the same sad conclusion.
  • As often as possible, do the exercise in front of the mirror to affirm in yourself the person you would like to become. Smile to yourself and keep a slight smile throughout the day.
  • Leave alone the achievements of your colleagues, relatives and other people, looking at which you feel like a small insect. Believe me, God has put some abilities in everyone, and they will help you get on the path of your personal growth. You can constantly compare yourself with others and not become anyone, or you can slowly go your own way and get everything from life.

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