Hand and nail care at home

Hand care

Hands, like the neck, give out the true age of a woman. Therefore, you need to take care of them with the same diligence as for the face. Well-groomed hands with manicure immediately emphasize sophistication and femininity. If you love yourself, make sure that your appearance is impeccable, those around you feel it and express the appropriate attitude towards your person. As they say, whatever you do good, you do it for yourself.

Hand care recommendations are not complicated, but effective. If you follow them, you can keep your skin young and healthy for a long time.

    Choose your soap carefully. Cheap varieties dry and tighten the skin. Soap with glycerin - softens. Apply nourishing and moisturizing creams after prolonged contact with water. Remember to protect yourself in any weather: in summer, use creams with UV filters (for sun protection). In winter, do not expose your hands to cold air for a long time, this causes the skin of the hands to dry out and crack. Always wear gloves or mittens. To eliminate dead skin cells, use peeling (once a week is possible). Use the optimal temperature of water for washing your hands, preferably warm, because hot water degreases the skin, which causes dryness, and after cold the skin becomes rough. Carry out home cleaning with gloves, after lubricating the skin of the hands with a protective cream. At the end of the work, do not forget to use a moisturizing or nourishing cream. Periodically massage your hands: improving blood circulation restores metabolic processes. For the prevention of coarsening, it is useful to do a wrap with petroleum jelly at night. Apply Vaseline to your hands, put on cotton gloves. In the morning you will see how smooth and rejuvenated your skin is.

Hand baths and masks To strengthen nails, it is useful to take a bath with Dead Sea salt. Mineral salts strengthen and also provide nails with microelements. By the way, sea salt also helps with excessive sweating. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a liter of water, hold your hands in the prepared solution for about ten minutes. Repeat the process for several days. If the skin of the hands is too coarse (from a long stay and work outside in the cold season, for example), use sauerkraut juice for a bath. And then lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. For masks, you should take the same components that are used in face and hair . Egg yolk is an indispensable and useful ingredient. One yolk, a spoonful of honey and butter (of your choice, you can olive), grind until smooth and apply on your hands. Hold for a quarter of an hour. Rinse (with warm water), apply cream.

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