Signs of pregnancy before missed period

As often happens after a stormy night, the next morning the girl has a thought in her head: “What if I'm pregnant?”, And she fluently begins to recall all the existing signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation.

Signs of pregnancy before missed period

For some, this will be a long-awaited event, full of happiness and joy, but for some, the onset of pregnancy was not included in the immediate plans, and everything turned out somehow out of place.

Now medicine has made a leap forward, and offers a whole arsenal of tools and procedures that can confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy at different times.

Signs of pregnancy before a missed period, how to find out?

  1. Pregnancy tests. They can be purchased at pharmacies. True, they are able to show the result no earlier than 12-14 days from the moment of possible conception.
  2. Blood serum test, the so-called marker of pregnancy. This is an urgent analysis, which is carried out almost immediately after the possible fertilization of the egg (within the first 6-24 hours after sexual contact).
  3. ultrasound. Thanks to the transvaginal sensor, it is possible to determine the presence of an embryo, which will be visible only after 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. For some girls, this is quite late.
  4. Analysis of hCG (pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin). It is carried out on the basis of a blood or urine test. But it is more accurate to conduct a blood test, since protein does not always clearly manifest itself in the urine. Such a hormone is produced due to the development of the placenta and is carried out after 3-5 weeks after a possible conception. It is possible to conduct an analysis after 2 weeks, however, the amount of this hormone will be low, although it is completely absent in the body of a non-pregnant woman.
  5. Analysis of the measurement of TBG (trophoblastic beta globulin, pregnancy hormone). It is also carried out in the early stages based on the study of blood from a vein and urine.

In any case, all young girls need to know the main signs of pregnancy. After all, not everyone will run to the clinic to take tests, besides, all these procedures are not free.


Let's talk about the symptoms that are inherent in early pregnancy. But this does not mean that, having woken up after a “stormy” night, all the signs of pregnancy will appear on your face. Not at all. Most girls don't even know they're pregnant. They lead a habitual way of life, do not feel any special changes in the body, and only the absence of monthly menstruation makes them alert and think: “What if?”. And by that time, the fertilized egg has already penetrated into the wall of the uterus and quietly grows and develops itself.

But you should not focus only on the cycle delay. Indeed, in some women, menstruation passes through the fetus. By the way, if you don’t know how to cause menstruation, read this article . And already at the 3rd month of pregnancy, when there is obvious nausea and vomiting in the morning, the woman buys a test, which turns out to be positive.

The main signs of pregnancy:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle (delay 5-6 days);
  • morning vomiting, nausea, profuse salivation, discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe substrate, constipation , heartburn, bloating, metallic taste in the mouth;
  • increased appetite, increased hearing, increased sense of smell (aversion to certain smells), unusual desires in eating;
  • poor sleep, depression, apathy, fatigue, drowsiness, unbalanced psycho-emotional state;
  • headache, loss of consciousness (with a long static position of the body, after taking hot baths, being in a stuffy room);
  • frequent urge to urinate, heaviness in the lower abdomen, premenstrual discomfort in the uterus, pulling tingling sensations in the pelvis, lower back and sacrum;
  • change in the size and color of the mammary glands (engorgement, breast enlargement , darkening and enlargement of the areola), when pressing on the nipple, colostrum appears;
  • swelling of the genital organs (vagina, cervix), changing their color to cyanotic due to a rush of blood;
  • prolonged (about 2 weeks) state of elevated body temperature (37-37.5 ° C), throws into heat and cold, chills, other symptoms resembling colds, there is an exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • swelling of the extremities, decreased pressure (arterial);
  • skin pigmentation (in the form of a strip below the navel, stripes-scars on the face, blue or pink marks in the abdomen and chest);
  • thrush during pregnancy, abundant vaginal discharge, the appearance of brown or yellowish marks on the underwear;
  • folk omens : increased intuition, dreams of fish, high household activity (arrangement of a "nest").

Such changes in the body do not always say that these are signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. They can be the result of illness or in general, self-hypnosis. Therefore, when such factors appear, you can always clarify your condition by passing the necessary tests. If you girls know any other signs, please write them in the comments.

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