How to choose toothpaste?

To keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible, it is clear to everyone, you need to pay attention to prevention. More precisely, you need to choose the toothpaste that, firstly, will effectively remove plaque that appears, for example, as a result of frequent consumption of coffee and sweets. And secondly, it will provide protection against caries. Fluorine is known to be a protective element. Pay attention to its content in your toothpaste. Well, if your teeth are healthy, a hygienic toothpaste without special additives is enough.

As for whitening pastes, here I want to say: do not buy into advertising tricks. The fact is that abrasives (particles), which are designed to make teeth white, only actively fight plaque and polish the surface of the tooth, which, with frequent use, can lead to thinning of the enamel. True, there are pastes with other active elements. But it’s better to go to a dental clinic for the purpose of whitening, so as not to harm yourself.

Medicated toothpastes

When choosing a toothpaste, you need to consider the condition of the teeth and oral cavity. With existing bleeding gums or with the formation of "pockets" (when the gum moves away), pay attention to the therapeutic and prophylactic pastes of the Lakaluta type. As a rule, it is recommended to use no more than a month (and even then not always). Pastes with a high content of chlorhexidine, triclosan - are used up to 10 days. In parallel, you can rinse with infusion of oak bark.

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, unlike therapeutic ones, contain active elements in a smaller amount. But in any case, be sure to check out what is in their composition. Pastes need to be changed so that there is no getting used to their effects, and so as not to cause dysbacteriosis, thanks to antibacterial components.

If you have sensitive teeth, react to irritating factors such as cold, hot tea, etc., then you should look at the number on the tube or box indicating the size or fineness of the abrasive particles, in this case it should be no more than 25 RDA, and the average is optimal the indicator is about 100 RDA.

Toothpaste for children

For small children (up to 5-6 years old), adults themselves brush their teeth, or control the process, since babies can swallow part of the paste, which is why the fluoride content in them is minimized. Needless to say, children only need to buy children's toothpaste. And for six-year-olds and ten-year-olds they are different. We already wrote about the features of the paste for kids above, and for primary school students, you need to choose pastes with reduced abrasiveness so as not to harm the enamel.

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