How to improve metabolism

Metabolism, or, in medical terms, metabolism, is a complex process that is expressed in the totality of chemical transformations in the body. That is, at the molecular level, complex compounds are synthesized from simple ones, or, conversely, the substances that enter the body are broken down. As a result, actually new cells and tissues are formed, as well as waste products that are excreted by the excretory systems of the body. And all this is accompanied by the use of energy for various purposes. That is, part of the energy goes, for example, to digest food , the other half is released and can be directed to physical activity.

If the balance of energy consumption and recovery is not disturbed, then your body retains its excellent physical shape. But if the bias prevails, say, the calories absorbed do not go to the expenditure for physical activity, then here, excuse me, the excess is automatically stored in reserve, that is, it manifests itself in the form of excess weight .

Throughout life, metabolism changes. As a rule, at a young age it proceeds faster, but over the years it slows down. And there are many factors for this. First, one of the signs of age is laziness. If you don’t go in for sports on purpose (in order to maintain a slim figure), then most likely you are even trying to avoid walking, using public or private transport.

Secondly, the quality and quantity of food consumed also affects the metabolism. In addition, over the years, the body becomes slagged (unnecessary is deposited not only at the waist, but also on the walls of blood vessels, in the intestines), which also inhibits normal metabolic processes. Therefore, sometimes carry out a complex for cleaning the gastrointestinal tract, because it takes an active part in the metabolism.

Diets also play their role , which women love to get involved in so much. After all, what is a diet, it is in any case restrictions in any food. That is, up to a certain point you ate everything in a row (well, or almost everything), and then suddenly decided: “everything is enough, it can’t go on like this anymore, gluttony is a fight!” And thus ordered the body to be content with little. The body, having accepted the schedule for execution, begins to carefully use the energy material: it saves fuel.

Therefore, keep in mind that low-calorie diets lead to a slow metabolism. But weight is lost. Seeing the results, that is, a built figure, you figure out for yourself: “yes, it’s probably enough to fast, now you can give free rein to your appetite.” Well, with a calm soul, you return to your previous diet. What's happening? Not hard to guess. Everything that was “dumped”, one might say, by an effort of will, returns even more. But they wanted the best...

Metabolic regulation methods

1. Given the fact that the digestion of food is an energy-consuming process, it would be logical to eat more often (for example, five times a day), but in small portions. Some foods, such as green tea (also helps detoxify), caffeine, spices, temporarily speed up the metabolism. Keep this in mind too.

2. Follow the principle: eat breakfast yourself. Morning meal fires up your metabolism. That is, it gives the body an impetus to work for the whole day.

3. Use up extra calories through physical activity, or at least just movement. Walking to and from work, walking in the park, going shopping are all opportunities to restore balance.

4. Strengthen activity at the cellular level, as well as open pores to release toxins from the bath and sauna. Bath procedures contribute to increased sweating. Therefore, take water with you to restore the water-salt balance. In general , water takes an active part in metabolism, its lack again leads to a slowdown in processes.

5. Well stimulates blood circulation massage with essential oils and contrast shower .

6. Remember that even during rest, processes in the body do not stop, cells are renewed, and calories are consumed even if you sleep. But keep in mind that more calories are spent while sitting, so it is not necessary to watch TV while lying on the couch.

7. If all of the above methods do not give results, then perhaps the cause of metabolic disorders is associated with hormonal failure. Here you need to consult a doctor.

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One Answer

  1. Katerina

    I agree with almost everything stated in the article. The main thing is movement, but this is not always possible, because we all work and, as a rule, we spend all our working time sitting in the office. And as a rule, because of this, there is a problem with the chair. Personally, I go in for sports. I run in the morning. And after that I have a great metabolism!


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