Secrets of attracting wealth to the house

It is better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick - says the well-known phrase. And there is no such person who would not want to increase his well-being, even if it is already at a decent level. So how do you learn the secrets to attracting wealth? With the help of Feng Shui, you can bring prosperity to the house, as well as strengthen cash flows. There are special rituals and symbols for this.

chalice of abundance

One of the most popular symbols of wealth is the "cup of abundance." It is useful to have it in any home to strengthen your material wealth. This is a very effective way to attract wealth to the family. The bowl must be made of metal: copper, gold or silver. The shape of the bowl is extended from top to bottom.

According to legend, it is easy to enter the cup of wealth , but it is difficult to get out. In this case, abundance will surround you forever: airy dreams will begin to come true one after another.

Symbolic things that will bring wealth to the house should be put in the bowl.
For example, a "necklace" of nine Chinese coins with a hole in the middle can become such an item. Coins are strung on a red ribbon with symbols up, tied together and placed in a bowl. The bowl must be full. It can also be filled with real money in the amount of 988, semi-precious stones (or jewelry made from them). Of course, creating a bowl, you have to work hard, but how did you want! This is the secret to wealth.

The bowl should be installed in the room in which you yourself are and where guests usually do not go. The point is that this object should fall exclusively into the field of view of the owners, but not strangers. It is not allowed that the latter behold the cup, otherwise the welfare will be depleted, instead of the desired increase. Therefore, the most successful would be the location of the vessel in the bedroom.

The three-legged toad is also one of the symbols of wealth in the East. She usually holds one or three coins in her mouth. It should itself be of a yellow metal resembling gold, or golden. The best location for this symbol is the living room and specifically the diagonal left corner from the door.

The secret to attracting wealth

Another symbol of abundance is Hotei, he is also called the Buddha of Abundance, as it is believed that he is able to give good luck and success to people involved in any business area.

According to Feng Shui, you should place a Buddha figurine in the living room, preferably with the Buddha's gaze directed towards the front door. The presence of the Buddha will favorably affect any living space, as it is believed that the image of this deity radiates positive Chi energy. Moreover, the laughing Buddha is able to absorb all the negative energy inside the house.

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