How to find a common language with a man

First of all, you need to understand that a man and a woman perceive information not only in different ways, but, let's say, according to the peculiarities of their perception. Therefore, if you want to find a common language with a man , first of all, watch how you express your thoughts.

Women tend to talk on emotions, capturing nearby topics along the way (at best), but sometimes they even manage to drag in something that was not originally related to the subject of the conversation. In addition, ladies tend to formulate phrases in such a way that from the first time it is not always clear what they meant (they sin by creating ambiguity). As they say, women's logic is understandable only to her alone, and a man, as a more rational and straightforward being, has to look for the embedded meaning himself.

Sometimes it happens like this

that a man, depending on his personal self-esteem, is inclined to interpret the remarks of his beloved in his own way and it is not a fact that his interpretation will coincide with her thought. Because of what the conflict often turns out: just both heard what they wanted. For example, you say to your partner: "Darling, why don't you take on a new project?". In this wording, he can hear a hidden subtext like: “I’m ashamed that you earn little, your salary is just minuscule, are you really not capable of more? ..” Do you think that after such a blow to male pride, can a constructive dialogue take place?

Therefore, without changing your feminine nature, convey information as specifically as possible. A common language will be found as soon as you both understand what is at stake. It sounds funny, but it often happens: they seem to be discussing one topic, but each in his own language.

Moreover, for a favorable outcome of the conversation, both parties must see each other. Therefore, if you are trying to say something to your other half, do it face-to-face: face to face. It is useless to broadcast about some serious problems (and frivolous ones too) if a man at that time is keen on watching a movie or a football match. If you don’t want to provoke a conflict (and you definitely won’t like it that he can’t hear you), don’t start a conversation until you are sure that your spouse is ready to listen to speeches and adequately evaluate everything that is said to him.

Try also to avoid rhetorical questions to which you yourself do not know the answer, but speak out loud as if for general reflection. The male mind is disposed to give a specific answer to the question posed, but the more the wording is blurred, the more likely it is that you will again start to rest on your own. Given these features of perception, you can build communication more productively.

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