Feng Shui for your bedroom

The bedroom is one of the most significant places in the house, not inferior in popularity to the living room , only in a different capacity. In the bedroom we sleep, restore our strength, relax. This is a zone of weak energy activity. It is better to have a bedroom in the part of the apartment farthest from the entrance or on the second floor of the house. The atmosphere in the bedroom should be calm and peaceful. Traditionally, the bedroom is considered to be the predominance of the beginning of "yin", and the influence of "yang" needs to be strengthened only in those cases when it is necessary to intensify intimate life.

Color scheme for the bedroom

To paint the walls in the bedroom, you should choose peach or pink tones. Pink bedding can also be used (blue and green blankets are good for a young growing body, while yellow ones are better for older people). Pink is considered the most successful color for the bedroom for the reason that the “marriage and love” zone is located on the Ba-Kua diagram between red Fire and white Metal. Light green and light blue colors are also good for the bedroom - symbols of hope and development.

Bed. As for the bed, it should not be located opposite the front door, feet to the exit, since "carrying forward with your feet" has quite certain negative associations. But at the same time, you also need to see who enters the bedroom, and therefore it is better to place the bed diagonally (in a large bedroom) or close to the wall (in a small bedroom). Also, do not place the bed with your feet or head towards the window. And if two people sleep on the bed, which most often takes place on the marital bed, then there should be a lot of free space around it on three sides.

Mirrors in the bedroom. Perhaps you should not abuse the mirrors in the bedroom: they stimulate the Chi energy so much that it can cause sleep disturbances. One mirror on a dressing table or bedside table is enough (especially good if they are in the corner). The presence of another mirror on the inside of the wardrobe door is also allowed. A very important note: a person should not see his reflection while lying in bed.

The location of the bedroom in the house

The location of the bedroom in the general plan of the entire dwelling helps to use the advantages and reduce the influence of the negative aspects. If the bedroom is located in the north, then it is perfect for deep sleep and meditation. But for those who suffer from loneliness, this arrangement is unfavorable. The northern direction has a relaxing effect on people who are enterprising and energetic. At the same time, sex in the "northern" bedroom can be very successful. In the northeast, there is a very intense movement of Chi energy, which can be harmful to people suffering from insomnia or other health problems. The bedroom in the southeast is suitable for businessmen and all those who seek promotion. The East is also a good side for them, but it is worth considering that the energy of the East is less conducive to establishing contacts and understanding with colleagues. If the bedroom is located on the south side, then this will add passion to intimate relationships. However, for a sound sleep and good rest, such a bedroom is not very suitable. In any case, the interior of the "southern" bedroom should not have too much red. The West predisposes to romance and worldly pleasures. However, the western side will not have a significant positive impact on your business affairs.

Feng Shui for the children's bedroom

For a children's bedroom, if the child does homework in it during the day, it is best suited when the desk is installed in the northeast corner of the room. All wardrobes in the children's room should be equipped with lockable doors and drawers, which will prevent the occurrence of "dangerous arrows": In the nursery, you can hang a small crystal by the window that will reflect light and activate the energy of success. Maps and globes are best placed in the northeast.

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