Cleopatra's beauty secrets

Women have long sought to preserve and enhance their beauty. Especially in this regard, they were interested and still are interested in the beauty secrets of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, which to this day remain relevant for many of the fair sex. After all, beauty has always been beyond time and circumstance.

Perhaps the shape of Cleopatra's face was not ideal, but women, of course, are interested in the ideal condition of the skin, and even more interested in how to keep it in this form, preferably forever.

It is known that the priestesses rubbed the queen's body with a "magic" mixture of sea salt and cream. After that, the skin became incredibly smooth and tender. In modern terms, such a mixture can be called a scrub. It is recommended to apply it before taking a bath to remove all dead skin cells.

As for taking a bath, many have heard about the famous milk baths that the queen loved to take. You yourself can easily organize such a rejuvenating bath at home. To do this, it is enough to dissolve two or three tablespoons of honey in a liter of warm milk, pour this mixture into the prepared water in the bathroom. Keep in mind that the water at the same time should be close to body temperature in temperature. To get the effect, it is enough to sit in the "elixir" for a quarter of an hour.

Cleopatra masks

A similar mixture, only in a smaller proportion, can also be used to prepare a face mask . Honey and cream are what you need to make your skin shine with youth and beauty.

Cleopatra beauty masks also include clay masks that enrich the skin with microelements, toning, soothing and having a lifting effect. Blue cosmetic clay is perfect for this.

Also, the queen sometimes visited the pool in the ancient city of Hierapolis in Turkey. It is still called Cleopatra's pool today. Water, saturated with minerals and natural gases, heals the skin and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. At home, to achieve a similar effect, you can, perhaps, prepare a bath with dead sea salt .

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