Hepatitis treatment and basic information about the disease

Acute liver disease is often characterized as acute hepatitis. It is most often caused by infections (typhoid and typhus, lobar pneumonia, rheumatism, tuberculosis, malaria, dysentery, sepsis and other diseases). It can also occur as an independent disease (for example, Botkin's disease (BB), Weil-Vasiliev, etc.). As a result of the action on the body of a number of chemicals, in particular, lead, male fern extract, spoiled food, inedible mushrooms, etc., toxic hepatitis develops. Hepatitis prevention is a mandatory measure that guarantees your safety. Let's take a closer look at the general information about this disease and try to highlight the main causes of its occurrence.

Among inflammatory diseases of the liver, the most common is BB, or epidemic hepatitis (EG). For a long time, the cause of this disease was unknown. It was believed that jaundice, which accompanies this disease, occurs due to impaired urination. As an independent infectious disease caused by liver tissue damage, jaundice was first described by S. P. Botkin. This disease occurs in the form of epidemics, that is, it immediately affects a large number of people. So, in the 19th century, 400 outbreaks of the BB epidemic were registered. Epidemics of jaundice caused considerable economic damage. In addition, sometimes patients who previously had jaundice developed chronic liver disease.

This ailment is caused by one of the smallest pathogenic microbes - the hepatitis virus, which is very resistant to physical and chemical influences. It remains viable for a long time in water, feces; within 4:00 it can withstand heating in water up to 60 degrees, within 15 minutes - boiling, and at room temperature there is a whole year, frozen - several years. Such resistance of the EG virus causes difficulties in the fight against it. For example, the means used today to neutralize the virus in human blood taken for transfusion to another person do not relieve infection.

The epidemic hepatitis virus is excreted with the patient's feces, urine, saliva, mucus from the respiratory tract. Therefore, the disease passes from one person to another through contaminated hands, food, water. Flies can also be carriers of the disease. Patients are contagious within 3 weeks from the onset of the disease, as well as a few days before.

Sometimes the virus is isolated by people who have already been ill, that is, virus carriers. Therefore, they must be under the supervision of a doctor so that hepatitis prophylaxis is carried out in accordance with all necessary requirements. Non-compliance with bed rest and diet, even with a mild course of the disease, can cause an extremely serious, even deadly complication - partial or complete collapse of the liver tissue.

Especially often there are protracted course of the disease and all kinds of complications if the patient goes to the doctor late or does not follow the recommended regimen. That is why it is extremely necessary to consult a doctor in time and strictly follow his instructions; even if the disease has a mild course.

Prevention of hepatitis

In order to prevent the disease, every effort should be made to neutralize the source of infection, eliminate the ways of its transmission and increase the resistance of the body of healthy people to pathology. Anyone who has become ill with epidemic hepatitis, as well as if this disease is suspected, should be immediately isolated, that is, hospitalized. If the diagnosis has not yet been made, the patient should be placed in a private room or his bed should be separated with a screen and extra things taken out. It is recommended to ventilate the room more often, wash the floor daily with hot soapy and soda water.

Things that the patient touched, hard furniture in his room should be wiped with a one percent solution of chloramine. Toothbrush, dishes, etc. neutralize by boiling or disinfect with a half-percent solution of bleach. The patient's stool should be collected in a separate bowl and covered in time with bleach for disinfection. Then they are poured into the sewer. All these actions are nothing but the prevention of hepatitis, which is designed to localize the cause of the disease, cut it off from the outside world and further spread.

Video about the symptoms and treatment of hepatitis :

During the inspection, the patient should scrupulously observe personal hygiene himself: when entering the room, put on a dressing gown, wash his hands with soap and water after each visit, and do not use his utensils. After hospitalization of the patient in his apartment, a thorough disinfection is carried out with a two percent solution of lime. To prevent the transmission of infection from a sick person to a healthy one, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene: before eating, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water; cut your nails in time; Wash regularly and put on fresh clothes. Drink only boiled water, milk; wash the products thoroughly and pour over with boiling water.

Possible causes of the disease

It should be remembered that flies are also carriers of infection, therefore, it is necessary to destroy them. Sometimes acute hepatitis becomes chronic, which can lead to cirrhosis. Chronic hepatitis differs from acute hepatitis in the duration of the course, the gradual development of the inflammatory process in the liver, which often causes cirrhosis, that is, the replacement of functioning hepatocytes with an inactive binding tissue. The cause of chronic hepatitis is most often an infection, in particular the BB virus.

Chronic hepatitis can be a consequence of chronic inflammatory processes of the biliary tract, accompany rheumatism, tuberculosis, malaria, syphilis, brucellosis, and helminthic invasions. Sometimes the cause of chronic hepatitis remains unexplained. Therefore, in our time, the prevention of hepatitis is so necessary.

Hepatitis treatment

The main role in the development of chronic hepatitis is played by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Along with an improper diet and malnutrition (consumption of spicy fatty foods), alcohol leads to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupts the absorption of vitamins and other substances valuable to the body, and largely causes liver damage. As a preventive method of struggle, it is worth using your own observation. Try to monitor the general condition of your body and in no case neglect personal hygiene!

Faced with such a serious illness, people forget that they really need qualified help. You leave everything to chance and neglect the advice of doctors, continuing to lead the wrong way of life. To be truly happy, you need health, so the treatment of hepatitis with sofosbuvir and daclatasvir is designed to help you. Protect from the negative impact of the external environment and instill responsibility for their own health. You can get acquainted with the drug, find out the price, and also find additional information on how buy sofosbuvir on the official website of the drug.

It is always necessary to remember the causes of chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, to prevent them, and when the disease has arisen, to treat it in time. In the case of chronic hepatitis, all efforts should be aimed at protecting the liver cells: properly organize the mode of work and life, which would exclude hard physical work and mental stress; create conditions for a normal, restful sleep; provide regular nutritious meals. The diet should be followed for a long time and supplemented with new dishes only with the permission of the doctor.

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