Baby's first food. How to feed properly?

Every young mother loves her baby very much, surrounds him with her care and tries to give him all the best, including the first complementary foods . But how to enter it, where to start? A lot of literature has been written on this topic, but, unfortunately, every pediatrician has his own opinion on the introduction of complementary foods to babies. And, sometimes, finding the very truth that every young mother is looking for is not easy.

First feeding: basic rules and features

In this article, we will share our view on the introduction of complementary foods in the diet of a baby.

I would like to immediately note that the most useful and rich food for a growing body is mother's milk. It saturates the baby with all the nutrients and provides the child with antibodies that protect his body from the influence of pathogenic factors. Of course, a nursing mother should also eat well and monitor her diet. Breastfeeding is a very responsible and time-consuming process that requires a lot of strength and endurance. But after all, for your child, you can be patient, give in to your principles and give him everything he needs.

At what age can the first complementary foods ?

According to some pediatricians, complementary foods are introduced at 4 months, while others, at all, are advised to start from the age of three months. According to other sources, if the child is on breastfeeding, then complementary foods should be introduced from 6 months, for babies on artificial feeding - from 5.5 months. Of course, all-knowing grandmothers will immediately begin to resent such prolonged breastfeeding, and will quickly want to feed their granddaughter with borscht. But according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the first complementary foods should be introduced from 6-7 months.

Due to differences of opinion among pediatricians, be sure to consider your baby's personal needs. Does he eat well, does he sleep well at night. Or maybe one mother's milk is already not enough for the baby?

Pay attention to the state of health of the child when introducing complementary foods. During this period, he must be healthy. If the baby is sick, postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a few days.

Where to start the first feeding?

Some pediatricians consider it appropriate to introduce juices for the first complementary foods. However, this product is quite heavy for the baby's developing digestive system. Vegetables (boiled or steamed) will be much easier for the stomach. Zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes are suitable for first courses.

If the baby refuses vegetables or is not gaining weight well, you can replace vegetables with hypoallergenic cereals: rice, buckwheat or corn. They can be ground in a coffee grinder, so they will cook faster. For the first feeding, boil porridge in water.

Basic feeding rules:

  • Gradual increase in portions. Start with 1 tsp. (5g) and gradually increase (in 7 days you can bring the volume up to 100-150g.).
  • Introduce one product at a time to track the response of a growing organism to a new product.
  • Keep a food diary. If a rash or problems with stool appear, constipation in a baby, as they say, you will immediately determine which product caused it.
  • At 7 months, you can cook vegetable purees or soup from several vegetables that the baby was previously familiar with. You can start introducing eggs (1/4 chicken or 1/2 quail), 1-2 times a week.
  • At 8 months - add fruits to the diet: baked apple, pear, banana. Add butter to cereals (starting with 1/2 tsp)
  • Month 9 - start getting acquainted with meat: rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal. Combine it with vegetables. Bring the volume with 0.5 tsp. up to 3-4 tsp per day. Meat broths are still considered a heavy dish for a child at this age. And with constipation, only dill water
  • 10 months - meat in the diet 6 days a week, 1 day - fish (hake, cod). You can try bread, biscuits and bright vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, beets - a little, because they can cause allergies). If the vegetables are accepted, prepare the first borscht for the baby.
  • 11 months - add fresh herbs. You can add a little sour cream to the borscht. You can introduce sour-milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, milk (diluted with water). 12 months - cook meatballs, let you try freshly squeezed juice, but dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Complementary feeding of infants by months table

The diet of the child per year should be varied and rich in vitamins and minerals. Properly selected first complementary foods will be the key to his health! And how did you make the first complementary foods to your baby girl? Please tell me in the comments)

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