Sensitive scalp

In fact, many people experience irritation, they just don’t focus on it, they forget, sometimes it goes away somehow by itself. But if you want your hair to be always impeccably healthy, and so that there are no embarrassing situations associated with itching of the scalp, dryness, tightness, it is better to know about the periods when your skin is especially vulnerable.

We refer to such cases as unfavorable periods that coincide with the weakening of immunity in general, as a rule, these are winter and spring. At this time, external stimuli also matter, such as cold, warm hats, dry air. What happens to the scalp? Due to constant exposure from the outside, sebum is not enough to create a full-fledged protective barrier, which causes all sorts of unpleasant sensations. Some mistakenly think that dry skin is directly dandruff, although the presence of scales may be due to irritation.

Most importantly, the appearance (and, therefore, health) of the hair depends on the condition of the scalp. Not receiving proper nutrition due to a violation of blood microcirculation, the hair begins to look untidy, fades, becomes brittle, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the signs and causes of irritation in time.

How to fight

It is also necessary to change hair washing products depending on the season. Unfortunately, not everyone takes into account the weather outside the window and continues to use shampoos of the usual type, while hair and skin need help of a different plan: they often need enhanced nutrition and hydration. Good in this regard are natural herbal shampoos that increase the protective functions of the skin, which are sold in the departments of medical cosmetics. But here, too, competent advice from a trichologist is needed: out of ignorance, you can do harm.

You should also meticulously choose hair dyes . Although many manufacturers heavily advertise their products, aggressive products often cause irritation, and in the worst case, provoke allergic reactions.

How to deal with skin irritation

Pay attention to shampoos, which contain biotin (vitamin H), which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Also include in the diet products with its content: nuts, eggs.

Hair balms marked “moisturizing” are suitable if you have experienced a feeling of tightness after each wash. The reason is lack of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the hydration of the scalp.

If the hair is quickly oily, then rinsing should be done with cool water. And also at least once a week do exfoliating masks containing sea salt.

In addition to all of the above, you should moderate the use of a hair dryer to dry your hair. First of all, you need to choose a comfortable temperature regime, so that after using the hair dryer, your skin does not become tight and too dry.

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