Facial massage at home

Face massage

If you massage your face a little every day, you will soon notice how the skin will become more toned and elastic due to the improvement of metabolism at the local level and the active removal of dead cells, sebum and other decay products and oxidative processes from the surface of the skin of the face. To do this, you just need to allocate a few minutes a day and know which areas on the neck and face and in which directions to massage in order to achieve a rejuvenation effect.


Remember that massage also has contraindications: acne, warts, and other skin diseases are the reason for refusing facial massage.

Classical massage involves stroking and patting along the main lines. If this is the forehead, then from the middle of the forehead to the temples. As for the lines on the face, usually the movement goes from the wings of the nose and corners of the mouth to the auricles, from the chin to the lobes.


Preparing for a massage involves cleansing the skin of the face and applying a nourishing cream, which will make it very easy to slip. The attitude to achieve a positive effect is very important. It is better to do in the evening, relaxing. Massage is done with fingertips. First, with soft smoothing movements along the mentioned lines, and then with light patting. The chin can be thoroughly massaged, as if taking it into a fist, while kneading it. With such a massage, the absorption of the nourishing cream will be higher, which means that its beneficial effect will also increase.


Be careful with the skin around the eyes, only light tapping with the ring finger under the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner is allowed.

The neck area is massaged with fists, for which clench your hands into fists and with the back of your fingers begin to make circular movements from the center at the base of the neck to the sides. Also, large circles should be made with the palms: from the base of the neck we lead the palms to the chin, then along the lower edge of the jaw to the ears, from the ears we lower along the side of the neck back to the base.

Under the chin (where the skin usually weakens and begins to sag), it is recommended to make patting movements. You should beat with your fingers (back side) from the chin to the sides (to the ears) and back.

Facial massage should be done every other day or every day. You can also enhance blood microcirculation, activate the work of capillaries by patting your cheeks with a cloth glove dipped in hot water, so the effect of the cream on warm skin will be better.

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