How to remove stains at home

How to remove stains at home

Spilling coffee by accident, dropping oil on a blouse by chance - with whom it does not happen. Not to mention when there are small children in the house. These nimble pranksters will climb everywhere and find a thousand and one ways to get their clothes dirty, even where adults never dreamed of. Removing stains at home requires skill.

Well, what to do if it's too late to shout, but there is still time to act on the stain. Of course, there are recommended household chemicals that “promise” to cope with a minor nuisance in the form of a blot. However, there are situations when the necessary stain remover is not at hand, and then the female secrets of removing stains with improvised means will come in handy.

Lipstick stain is so natural for a woman. How many times do you have to change your wardrobe , it happens that on the go. If a lip print is left on your blouse, try removing it with alcohol.

  • Grease stains are familiar to every housewife. The first aid for a fabric stained with grease is warm water and soap. For cotton products, ammonia will do. Drop the solution on the spot, then you can iron. For woolen fabric, you will need gasoline.
  • If the stain is from tea or coffee, sprinkle with salt with the addition of glycerin, and then wash.
  • Berry stains, so common in the summer season, especially on vacation, can be washed with boiling water (if they have just appeared). Boil the kettle and pour over the stained area (the same method can be applied to wine stains). A white cloth can be exposed to ordinary hydrogen peroxide with ammonia.

Fresh sweat stains lend themselves to a saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of water). However, if the shirt is periodically irrigated later, then, excuse me, there is a natural process of “blurring”.

Highly salty water dissolves chocolate stains.

Chewing gum stains are difficult to remove. But you can try this method: put the soiled thing in the freezer. When the gum freezes, it will become brittle and can be separated from the fabric with a piece of adhesive tape, for example.

Paint stains can be of different origin. If your child painted with watercolors, then such paint will be washed off with cold water. Or maybe you painted the fence - the situation is more complicated. Oil paints are difficult to remove: with turpentine and gasoline, first one, then the other in the same sequence as they are prescribed here.

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