Epilation for legs

Many probably remember the commercial for one hair removal product. Its plot is as follows: on the smooth skin of a female leg, after applying the product, a silk scarf easily slides off. But on the leg that the girl shaved, the handkerchief does not slip, but treacherously gets stuck on regrown hairs. Of course, velvety skin is much nicer, and in general, smooth legs with well-groomed nails are feminine. If only all these procedures for removing unwanted hair were painless ...

Ways to get rid

One of the ways to get rid of hair is epilation and there are several types of it. Below are the main ones with all the fundamental differences. If you are faced with a choice, then the information will come in handy.

The mechanical type includes waxing (waxing). The scheme of this procedure is as follows: heated liquid wax is applied to the scalp of the leg. After the wax mass hardens, it is removed along with the hair roots. For a successful procedure, the length of the hair must be at least 5 mm. It is better if you entrust the whole process to specialists, since heated wax can cause burns, especially if the skin is sensitive.

amateur performance

However, the most courageous are engaged in amateur activities at home. Well, why not: now everything is available. The cheapest (and, mind you, painful) way is to buy adhesive strips in a specialized store. Pasted and rushed in the direction against hair growth. Well, how is it? (who did - know). But for two weeks the smoothness of the skin is provided. Hot wax gives a more stable result. If you are doing the procedure at home, do not forget to remove the wax residue to avoid clogging the pores, which can then lead to ingrown hair into the skin - not a pleasant phenomenon.


the impact of an electric current pulse on the hair follicle. Made in a beauty salon. Procedure technology: a thin needle is inserted to the depth at which the hair follicle is located, and current is passed through. The bulb is destroyed, respectively, the hair has practically no chance of resurrection. Although it all depends on its structure. One or two procedures are enough for some women to completely get rid of them, others need at least a few sessions until the hair in the places of removal stops growing at all. The timing depends on the area. As you might guess, electrolysis takes much longer than waxing. But this method is considered very effective, besides, it can be applied to other areas, for example, for the armpits. Be sure to take into account contraindications, such as skin diseases, diabetes and some more (you need to consult a specialist).

bikini area

Depilation for the bikini area. Most women still continue to use the old tried and tested method - shaving. This method is cheap and has no contraindications, but the effect it achieves lasts no more than 1-2 days. And then the treacherous hairs begin to grow and prick. Given the sensitivity of the skin in this area, it is better to use depilatory creams, at least they do not irritate delicate skin, act gently and a little longer than the result of shaving.

Laser hair removal

has an effect similar to electrolysis on the hair follicle, only the source of exposure in this case is the laser. It can be used on different areas: bikini, under the armpits, on the face, on the legs; Fortunately, the procedure is painless. The laser beam glides through the hair at lightning speed and destroys the hair follicle. The advantages of the method are clear, but there are also disadvantages. Shortcomings in the procedure can result in minor burns. In addition, the laser, unfortunately, is ineffective for fair hair and dark skin.


also quite effective and painless way to remove hair. Can be applied to almost all areas of the skin. Does not work on light and gray hair (because they do not have melanin). Contraindications are the same as for the laser method. The course is approximately five procedures. This is explained by the fact that the method is relevant only at the initial stage of hair growth. This technology differs from laser technology in that the impact factor in this case is impulsive light. Its action is also aimed at the destruction of the hair follicle.

Of course, laser and photoepilation are much more expensive, but, you see, they have an important advantage - painlessness. However, it is up to you to make a choice in favor of one method or another.

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