Healing properties of water. living water

waterThe amazing property of water to absorb and transmit information was noticed by the Japanese scientist Emoto Masaru. He proved that water is able to capture positive and negative emotions, while changing its structure. Ice crystals are evidence of this.

living water

If we consider the crystals of frozen water that has absorbed the negative, we can see that the structure of the crystal resembles a destroyed snowflake: its rays are either crushed or some of them are missing. If, from the informational point of view, the water is pure, then the snowflake derived from it has the correct shape, that is, all its rays are straightened, have an ideal shape.

Experiments have shown that tap water is initially a carrier of negative energy, which it absorbs throughout the entire path while flowing through pipes (in the conditions of a modern metropolis, this is natural). A crystal of such water under a microscope resembles something of an indefinite shape. However, it cannot be said that distilled water is definitely ideal. Just this water can be called dead, because it is devoid of natural, living energy and trace elements. Her crystal also looks deformed. What kind of water can be called living? The answer is obvious - spring. Since it originates from the bowels of nature, it is correspondingly close to perfection.

How to get healing water

Since water has the ability to absorb energy, it is very useful to convey positive emotions to it. Namely, it was proved that classical music, the impact of prayer make water clean from an informational point of view. In this case, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body, since the latter is 70% water. Here's a simple arithmetic for you: the more often you are in a state of depression, resentment, anger, the more biochemical changes occur in your body, unfortunately, not for the better.

Experiments have also shown that if you fill a jar with water and write a word with a positive meaning on it, for example, “love”, then the water will carry precisely positive energy. Try this experiment at home. Put two jars, write “love” on one, “insignificance” on the other, or just periodically say these words to each of the vessels, and after a while you will see how the water in the jar with a negative word will begin to rot, mold, exude an unpleasant smell, and the other, on the contrary, will remain clean for a long time.

That's the whole point. The same can be said about food, since food is saturated with moisture, it also has the ability to absorb emotions and feelings. Therefore, home cooking must necessarily carry life-affirming energy: if you wish your loved ones health and wellness, cook with love.

The power of your thought will also help to heal the body if, while taking a shower, you imagine how all the negativity is washed away from you and goes down the drain, and only healing water flows from the shower , bringing health to your body.

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