If you need to get rid of gray hair, tired of the old hair color, or just want to be in a different look, girls often come to hair coloring.
But after about three weeks, the roots of the hair grow back, and your hairstyle does not look very attractive. Again you have to go to the stylist or color the hair roots yourself.
How to dye hair roots at home
First you need to prepare your hair for the procedure.
Usually, before dyeing, hairdressers advise two to three weeks before changing hair color to nourish them with masks. They can consist of egg yolks, olive oil, and optionally a few drops of essential oil. The beneficial substances in these masks will protect your hair from the harmful effects of the chemical components of the paint, your hair will become stronger.
If you are using for the first time or decide to change the brand of dye, then it is important to test for the absence of allergies the day before dyeing. Drop a little paint on the skin and do not wash off for forty-eight hours. It is better to do this on the elbow bend. You do not have any reaction such as irritation, or itching, you can safely proceed to staining. If there is a reaction, then choose something else. There are more gentle colors.
Remember that you should not wash your hair before the coloring procedure. You will wash off the layer of fat, and then the paint will damage the skin of the hair and head. You can wash your hair with shampoo without a balm if it is already very dirty or you have previously used mousse or hairspray when styling your hair. The regrown hair roots are dyed as follows: read the instructions, mix all the components of the paint in a bowl.
When metal is combined with chemicals, the paint may oxidize and its color will change. Stains on clothes and skin left by paint can be quite difficult to remove. Therefore, precautions must be taken. To protect clothing from paint stains, drape a waterproof cloth over your shoulders. And protect your hands with gloves. We advise you to apply a rich cream on your face where the skin borders on the hair.
Hair dye technique
We proceed directly to the application of the coloring composition. You can slightly moisten your hair with water from a spray bottle. This is done so that the hair at the roots is colored equally. Now the moistened hair needs to be combed and divided into equal parts. Partings are made according to a certain scheme.
From the forehead to the back of the head - one line. Another line is from one ear to the other.
Now wrap each strand into a knot and secure it with barber clips.
It is correct to start coloring the regrown roots from the back of the head. In this part of the body, the temperature is lower and will be painted more slowly. First, divide this strand into small strands. Now with a thin layer, using a brush, calmly apply the composition to the roots, keep a damp cotton pad on hand - you can use it to remove the paint from the skin. The thicker and thicker your hair, the smaller the strands that you dye. This is done in order to paint over the gray hair as best as possible, every hair. At the very end, the roots of the hair on the temples and frontal part are dyed. It is here that the hair acquires the desired color faster for the reason that it is thinner. When you apply paint, try to work actively and accurately. And then as a result of coloring you will get an even rich hair color.
The time for applying the coloring composition to the hair roots takes about fifteen minutes. How long to keep the paint. It has to do with the structure of the hair. If your hair has been chemically permed, it is necessary to withstand the dye for no more than ten minutes. The fact is that after this procedure, the hair will become more porous and the paint acts faster. Otherwise, the paint is kept for no more than thirty minutes. If a conventional oxidizing agent is added. If you start itching or burning, the paint needs to be washed off.
Rinse hair dye quickly
How to wash off the dye. First, rinse your hair with clean warm water. Then you need to wash your hair with a neutral shampoo and, finally, a balm. There are many balms used after dyeing to fix the effect and care for the hair. Do not dry your hair with a hair dryer after dyeing. It just makes them more shiny. Let them dry on their own after blotting them well with a towel.
How to dye hair roots
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