Are energy drinks harmful?

To be always in good shape is not the motto of a modern person. Relaxation is an unaffordable luxury, especially for those who are in constant search and striving forward “to the barricades”. But, unfortunately, the body has its own resources and sometimes these resources are depleted, and recharging is required. That's when lovers of "peppy" and begin to look for artificial stimulants, which are often fashionable and now in demand energy drinks.

Are energy drinks harmful?

However, they do not recharge, as it seems to their consumers at first glance, but force an already tired body to mobilize its forces. But the potential is not infinite, as a result, there comes a moment when a person, having taken such a lethal agent, no longer feels the former surge of vivacity. At this moment, he would have to restore his strength in a natural way: sleep, rest. But instead - a new lethal dose of an exciting drink. Well, then according to the scheme, up to dependence.


    The pluses, perhaps, include the fact that energy tonics very quickly help to “shake up” the body if it is needed on an emergency basis, for example, after a sleepless night before an exam. Stimulates mental activity. At the point where you were squeezed like a lemon, you have additional strength. Separate energy tonics contain vitamins and carbohydrates, which is why they are so loved by athletes: glucose tends to be quickly converted into energy.


    The disadvantages include the "lethal" composition of some of these drinks. In terms of caffeine content, they overtake coffee, respectively, and the effect of wakefulness lasts much longer - by 1.5 - 2 hours (unlike coffee). But not many people realize that there is a daily dose of caffeine that should not be exceeded. To be more precise, such an energy tonic can be drunk no more than two cans per day. In this case, we are not talking about coffee and tea at all, since they will only increase the dose of caffeine. Overdoing the amount of consumption of "magic" drinks can cause heart palpitations, increase blood pressure (therefore, such drinks are not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases). Overdose of these drinks can also increase blood sugar levels.

In general, if you are a fan of energy drinks, then try not to get too carried away with them. Any organism is not iron, respectively, artificial stimulants cannot replace natural vigor.

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