Internship and multi-level interview

As you know, the first job is a real problem for every university graduate. This happens for the reason that yesterday's student does not have the necessary experience, which means that the chances of getting a job are minimal and, at best, an internship . Most often, this problem is faced by excellent students who mistakenly believe that after graduating from a higher educational institution they will immediately be hired. Unfortunately, the Russian Federation is not Europe, where excellent students are in great demand in the labor market, so even holders of honors degrees have to suffer before getting a job.


In the meantime, while students are reading articles about how to get a job and easily pass an interview, employers are putting more and more requirements on candidates. The fact remains that the demand for employees without work experience is minimal, but this is not at all a reason to drop out of school. There is another very effective and productive way.

Participation in program internships

Surely every student has heard about affiliate programs more than once. Among the most significant advantages, it is worth listing important work experience, as well as a highly demanded entry in the work book. An internship is the only way to try out in real life in the profession you have chosen. In addition, the trainee gets a unique chance to look at office life from the inside, get acquainted with the work of the team, learn business communication and personal organization. Ideally, it would be an internship in a large company, but the requirements for interns in such organizations are as great as the requirements for hiring. The trainee must speak several languages, have excellent knowledge and, of course, be promising for the company. Remember that most large companies pay special attention to the organization of the candidate, his ability to adapt to the environment, the productivity of thoughts and communication skills. The duration of an internship is on average from a month to a year.

Internship - mutually beneficial cooperation

Students who are categorically against internships think wrongly. In their opinion, their work is not adequately paid, and the amount of work performed can drive even an experienced specialist crazy. In real life, the internship is beneficial to both parties. For the employer, this is a unique chance to replenish the ranks of employees, and even prepare an employee for subsequent work with him. For a student, an internship is a unique way to gain experience, as well as assess their own strengths.

Be sure that a positively proven trainee will be able to easily find a place in the same company later. And one more “but”: an internship is not a training, so most often 4-5 year students take part in these programs.

Multilevel interview - what to do in this case?

With the development of the global market and the tightening of requirements for candidates applying for a job, the one-level interview directly with the manager is a thing of the past. Today, large companies are increasingly offering to pass a multi-level interview, which can intimidate students. So what is a multi-level interview and how realistic is it to pass?

In 90% of cases, the first meeting of the candidate will be with the HR manager. However, two interviews are currently not enough to accept a candidate for a job. Sometimes even job seekers themselves are perplexed by the fact that they are forced to come five or even more times to the same company to pass various tests.

A multilevel job interview looks like this:

  • Sending resume
  • Filling out the questionnaire
  • Interview with a recruiter
  • Interview with HR manager
  • Interview with the manager
  • Interview with the head of the head
  • Performing various psychological tests

What you need to know about multi-level interview?

With a multi-level interview, the number of meetings with managers directly depends on what position the candidate is applying for, respectively, the higher the position, the greater the number of meetings. When passing a multi-level interview, it is very important to behave correctly and then everything will go smoothly. So:

Interview with the personnel manager : do not try to impress by using only terms and abbreviations in your speech that are familiar only to a niche specialist. Remember, the HR manager evaluates how you fit the company, as well as how motivated you are to work.

Interview with the manager : here you will have to be a little nervous, because the manager checks you for literacy and knowledge of the matter. He should talk about previous places of work, about the successes achieved. If you have no work experience, try to use professional vocabulary, show him that you are ready to do a lot for the company. The main rule - do not overdo it and say relevant phrases! If you have a portfolio, drawings, or other examples of your own work in stock, show it off.

General Manager : It depends on the opinion of the General Manager whether you will be hired. Here you should not use professional terms, the main thing is to answer in detail the questions posed. Do not interrupt the leader, and move away from questions to which you do not know the answers.

The key to a successful multi-level interview is total focus and dedication, so if you are ready for this, you have nothing to fear!

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