What to buy for a newborn baby list

With the birth of a baby, parents have demands that completely change their lives. All the attention of parents is concentrated on the child, they spend more time with him, when before his appearance they spent with each other. At first, the parents are completely at a loss, the reason for this is the child. But despite this, they get used to such a life.

The birth of a baby

What you need in the first days for a newborn baby.
This question worries all parents when a baby appears, “What is needed for a newborn baby?”. Indeed, in such a big turmoil, you can buy a lot of unnecessary things, and when a baby appears, there is absolutely not enough time for shopping. The most important thing for the baby is to feed him on time, bathe him regularly, walks in the fresh air are just very useful. Answering the question “what to buy for a newborn”, it should be noted that first you need to choose a crib. The baby should sleep in a cozy and warm bed, you need to choose a mattress according to the appropriate size of the bed. As many diapers or sheets as possible. Regarding the pillow, in general, babies up to a year do not need it, you can put a diaper rolled up in 4 layers under your head. A blanket is better to buy a flannelette thin and always thick. The sides for the crib create coziness and comfort for the child, protect from drafts. To make it more convenient for parents to change their baby, a changing table is needed. After giving birth, it is very difficult for mothers to lean forward, and the table is high enough, which is convenient. To walk with a child on the street you need a stroller. And of course, to bathe, get a bath.

what to buy for a newborn

What you need to buy for a newborn in a pharmacy

Before being discharged from the hospital, the mother is explained how to properly care for the baby and given a list of what to buy for the newborn.
Baby care in the early days will consist of processing the umbilical cord, cleaning the nose and ears. Each pharmacy sells a special first aid kit, which has everything you need for newborns. It includes: hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, cotton wool, manganese, baby powder, baby cream, pipette, thermometer. To this, everything must be bribed with cotton buds with restrictions and oil. Bath grass and baby soap. In order to cleanse the skin of the baby from rashes, as well as to calm his nervous system, it is useful for bathing to use an infusion of string or bathing foam with string extract. List of things necessary for the first time for a newborn
Every mother, preparing for the birth of a baby, makes a list of things necessary for a newborn. For the first time, you will need from clothes: cotton vests about 10 pieces, with long sleeves, without buttons and ties. Warm blouses, you can flannelette. Also sliders made of light fabric and still warm. If it's cold at home, buy a pair of caps. Well, for a walk, get warm caps, a warm hat, preferably a knitted, warm jacket (woolen), socks and mittens. In principle, many things do not need to be bought in the same size, because they quickly grow out of their shirts. When buying things, pay attention that sweaters and shirts have a large enough opening, a fastener on the shoulder in the form of a button. Children do not like, one might even say they are very scared when they put it over their heads.

What you need for a newborn baby list

The long-awaited pregnancy has come and both parents arrive in euphoria with happiness. You should not relax, nine months will fly by unnoticed, and the baby who was born, in addition to attention and care, will also need some material values.


What to buy for a newborn?

  • Crib. The baby should not sleep with his parents - this is unhygienic, and also unsafe, since the mother in a dream can accidentally crush the child. In the crib you need to purchase bed linen and soft bumpers.
  • Changing table or chest of drawers. An indispensable thing in the first year of a baby's life. Its firm surface is ideal for a fragile spine, and its width and length are sufficient to teach your baby to roll over and crawl. In addition, it is convenient to perform massage procedures on it.
  • Bath tub. A baby born into the world does not have any immunity against germs, so it is absolutely impossible to bathe him in a common bath. You can immediately buy herbs: string, chamomile, celandine. They have a calming and anti-allergic effect, and also soften tap water.
  • High chair with adjustable backrest (lying, reclining, sitting). It would seem, why a highchair for a newborn? The answer is simple: not the baby needs a chair, but the mother. By installing it in the kitchen in the “lying” back position, the mother will be able to calmly do household chores without leaving the crumbs alone unattended.
  • Stroller and car seat. It is better to give preference to a stroller with two interchangeable blocks (lying and walking). Often a car seat is included with the stroller, if this is not the case, then it must be purchased. She is the guarantor of the safety of the child on the road.
  • Various diapers, sliders, undershirts. There should be at least 10 diapers (5 thin and 5 thick); sliders and vests for the first days is also enough to buy 5 pieces each.
  • It is worth thinking about clothes for a walk, especially if the baby is expected to appear in the cold season. Today, the modern industry offers universal models of 3 in 1 overalls. First, you can make it an envelope, and later, when the baby grows up, convert the lower part into pants.

It is impossible to buy everything at once, it will not work to predict what else may come in handy, so you need to purchase basic essentials and, enjoying pregnancy, expect the baby to be born.

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