How to treat a cold on the lips

How to treat a cold on the lips?

Needless to say, how unpleasant it is when itching first appears on the lip, then bubbles, and then scabs. Moreover, it constantly interferes and every now and then is pulled off by a sleeve and grows again. For a woman, a cold on the lip, as well as barley on the eye , phenomena out of the ordinary: you want to always be attractive, but here it is.

As a fight against the manifestation of the herpes virus, and in the common people - with a cold on the lips, now there is a choice of special ointments based on acyclovir, for example, Zovirax. However, not all women are delighted with these funds, because they want to get rid of the sore as soon as possible, but this does not work.

Perhaps some folk remedies will compete with modern drugs.

Method one: cauterize the scab that appears with hydrogen peroxide. Do this gently with a cotton swab. Repeat several times a day. The duration of the directed action is up to three days.

Method two: cauterization with cologne. Take a cheap cologne like "Chypra" or "Tete-a-tete". Moisten a cotton swab, apply to a cold. Do a few tricks a day. It is known that alcohol dries well.

Method three: the well-known Corvalol heart drops can be effective in the fight against a sore. The fact is that they contain alcohol and peppermint oil. The first component has an antiseptic effect, and the second one relieves swelling.

Method four: we burn a cold with an ordinary teaspoon heated in a glass of hot tea. As soon as you feel the first signs of a cold, start cauterizing it with heated metal. Repeat several times a day.

Method five: earwax is also effective. Using a cotton swab, remove some sulfur, smear the sore (do it several times a day).

Of course, the herpes virus is in the body in a dormant state, it is impossible to completely get rid of it, but you can stimulate the immune system, then a cold on the lip will not take you by surprise at the most inopportune moment.

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