The man does not want to marry

single man

A free man, well, the more freedom, the greater the awareness of one's own attractiveness, mobility, permissiveness. It's nice to know that at any moment you can "moor" and embark on an adventure. On the other hand, the family is the place where you are always expected, it is the rear that gives support. So why doesn't a man want to get married?


  • First, the status of a bachelor is more familiar, associated with carelessness. And what will happen after the wedding, eternal interrogations: where have you been? who was with? why did you come home late? This is what scares me - to be obliged. It's very convenient to feel like you don't owe anyone.
  • Second, some men are playing a double game . They like to have several girls at once. Why marry one of them, if you can conveniently spend time with one or the other. He happily meets with each of them, because each new meeting is a variety, and the girls in this case may not immediately recognize treason . Suspicion creeps in when the guy begins to evade specific questions and proposals, avoids talking about marriage and generally behaves somehow secretly, although he is not averse to having sex. Sooner or later, such relationships come to a standstill: it is impossible to be together with a person who is insincere with you.

More reasons

  • Thirdly, the man already had a sad experience and he does not want a repetition. Maybe you are not aware that your chosen one was unsuccessfully married. Meanwhile, the failure of a previous relationship is now the reason for his caution. Burning yourself a second time is more painful for a man than for a woman. Women are more resilient in this regard. Well, if so, do not rush him to make a decision. Gradually, he will ripen to create a new family, or you risk destroying what is between you at the moment.
  • Fourth, the man has become more mature and now knows how to distinguish love from sex. If, due to their youth (17-19), young men experience sexual attraction to the object of passion and therefore, taking the call of the flesh for love, they marry. Then, as a rule, they become legible after thirty years. Now they trust the beliefs of the mind, so some of them prefer periodic meetings to family relationships.
  • Fifth, a man feels your material interest . Many men in status (large businessmen, businessmen) understand the property interest of women, which is why they are in no hurry to make their girlfriend happy with an engagement ring. He prefers to check whether you appreciate him as a person, or, like many, seek to marry him to yourselfbecause you are ready to take advantage of material wealth.
  • Sixth, a man is afraid of having children . Children are born in marriage, and this is always a test for the family. Men, as a rule, are not very attuned to children and delay the possibility of their birth as much as possible. Therefore, marriage for them is associated with the end of a carefree life: they really don’t want to burden themselves with untimely chores.

What not to do

On the other hand, putting your loved one before the fact of pregnancy is also not a very good move. If the relationship has no future, then the child will not play a key role here. Although there are exceptions, when a man at first does not recognize his involvement in the birth of a child, and then gets used to and even does not have a soul in his offspring. And yet, such units.

Seventh, the man must stand up . Obviously, your faithful decided to follow the American style: first build a career, and only then start a family, including offspring. But many people do both at the same time. In addition, the more time he stays in the status of a bachelor, the more he merges with this image, perhaps later he will not even want to change anything at all. Therefore, sometimes the initiative of a woman even influences the adoption of his decision. Feel free to offer to legitimize the relationship, at least you will know his opinion.

What type is your man? Try to figure it out and choose the appropriate tactics.

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