Cinnamon for weight loss

Everyone knows how good cinnamon rolls are, but they only whet the appetite. But spicy tea promotes weight loss. Let's see what properties of cinnamon help to lose weight and why.

Firstly, cinnamon has an original taste, which is due to the content of essential cinnamon oil in it. So even without the addition of sugar, confectionery or tea acquires a unique characteristic flavor. You can also savor the sweet tooth. By the way, the same aroma has a calming effect.

Secondly, the stimulating properties of cinnamon are known to have a beneficial effect on bowel function. Also, this spice contributes to the speedy breakdown of sugars and normalizes their content in the blood.

Why cinnamon tea promotes weight loss

It has been proven that tea, in which cinnamon, honey and lemon are added, not only stimulates the immune system, but also speeds up the metabolic processes in the body. And this means that metabolic processes come to a natural balance, due to which weight loss occurs, or rather, it is normalized.

As a rule, the preparation of such tea goes in several stages. To begin with, cinnamon powder is brewed with boiling water (a liter of water per tablespoon of spice). Insist until cool, and then add two tablespoons of honey. Remember that honey loses its healing properties if the water temperature is above 30 degrees.

The sweet elixir is drunk before meals in the morning and evening. You can also flavor the cottage cheese. The course for each woman is individual, since the speed of unloading the body will be different. It is also good to add a little ginger to tea to lower blood cholesterol levels. We wrote a little more about ginger in an article about the beneficial properties of spices .

By the way, the buns that we mentioned at the beginning of the article do not have a “weight loss” effect, since fats and sugar in the dough practically negate the beneficial effect of cinnamon.

Pregnant women should be careful with this seasoning (since stimulation of the uterine muscles is possible) and hypertensive patients. Yes, and in principle, overdoses will be difficult for the liver. Therefore, like everything useful, it should be consumed in moderation.

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One Answer

  1. Samantha

    Indeed, I myself heard from many that regular use of cinnamon in one way or another contributes to weight loss. But what should I do if I can’t stand cinnamon since childhood - it’s practically a food allergy, well, or I just don’t like it so much that I don’t even eat the notorious buns. I get stomach ache, nausea, and other not-so-pleasant symptoms.


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