Let's figure out where and why burrs appear on the fingers. Probably, every person has ever encountered a problem in which the skin near the nails cracks and begins to peel off. Such pieces of skin are called burrs. Burrs from time to time can cling to the hair, or simply to foreign objects.
Burrs on the fingers causes and treatment

how to get rid of burrs at home
These “clings” are accompanied by wild pain. Another problem with hangnails is bleeding and inflammation. It is not difficult to guess that as soon as it appears on the skin, this kind of inflammation is strong, conspicuous, and even the most expensive manicure against such a background will lose its attractiveness.
Reasons for the appearance of burrs.
There are not so many reasons for the occurrence and, in fact, they are very commonplace. For example, when you wash dishes with detergent, the skin of your hands is damaged due to the chemicals in the detergent. Also, nutrition can affect the condition of the skin, for example, if your body does not receive the required amount of vitamins. With a lack of macronutrients, the skin becomes thinner, therefore, if the load on areas with a lack of vitamins increases, burrs will appear. Another reason for poor-quality manicure. With self-treatment of nails, you need to be extremely careful, the slightest negligence will lead to a problem. And finally, the last reason is damage to the epidermis when you often bite your nails.
How to cure burrs on fingers
The first thing to do is change your diet, get rid of bad habits. You should also look for a qualified manicurist. A master who really knows his business will help solve your problem with the help of cosmetic procedures. After visiting the salon, you can monitor your nails at home, making baths.
So, buy a quality nourishing cream that contains healing elements. Apply it to the skin at least twice a day, so your skin will be protected from the harmful effects of the external environment. In addition to the cream, hot baths help well. For example, a bath based on sea salt. To prepare it, you will need one liter of water, one teaspoon of salt dissolved in it and a few drops of essential oil. Such a tool will soften the skin, contribute to its strengthening and elasticity. By repeating the procedure for up to ten days, you can forget about burrs.
Even after getting rid of your problem, do not forget to take care of your hands.
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