How to reduce puffiness under the eyes in the morning

It is rare to see something pleasant in the mirror in the morning. In this case, you can only force yourself to smile, and from how ridiculous the crumpled and not yet woken up face will look, it will really become a little more fun. However, when swelling under the eyes specifically spoils the appearance, then this is already a serious cause for concern. Well, how else: you have to hurry to work, but here is such a phenomenon. Each lady, lady and woman acts differently in this case. The last option, if it’s really scary to look at yourself, is to stay at home or use dark glasses. But there are other approaches to this situation. So: the female secret of eliminating puffiness under the eyes in the morning and possible causes.

Don't drink at night

It would be better, of course, to know what was the reason. If you have consumed a lot of water or salty foods the day before, then you should first wash your face with cold water. For severe puffiness, a compress, preferably from green tea, will not interfere. Only not from hot (as some believe), on the contrary, a cold procedure leads to tone. Soak tea bags in cool water and apply them to your eyelids. The elimination of puffiness and smoothing of the skin will be facilitated by a substance that is part of the tea and is called tannin. Not bad for the tone is also to do acupressure. Starting from the outer corner of the eyes, do light point pressure, moving towards the nose. Do this ten times in this order (for each eye). Just don't press hard.

Wrinkle cream. Another reason for the above phenomenon may be, oddly enough, an anti-wrinkle cream. Not every smoothing product is right for your skin. So test them out before you start using them on a regular basis. In addition, you should not apply creams and gels around the eyes just before bedtime, as they can retain fluid in the tissues if they do not have time to be absorbed.

Allergy. If the swelling around the eyes is allergic (often accompanied by itching), then antihistamines will help. Try to identify the factor provoking allergies in order to exclude contact with it in the future. In general, allergies can be caused by anything: dust mites, creams, even helminths provoke puffiness around the eyes and itching. So watch what caused the irritation in your case.

Kidney problems sometimes also lead to edema. Here, consult a doctor. Also, some drugs have a side effect in the instructions: fluid retention in the tissues. Be careful.

Remember that physical activity helps speed up metabolic processes in the body and promotes rapid recovery. When the swelling has already decreased, but you do not have time to wait for more and more, correct defects with makeup . Remember, dark tones make imperfections less noticeable, while light tones, on the contrary, highlight.

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