Prostatitis in men, what are the signs of how to treat the disease, what medications to use. Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor, the presence of which is determined by urinary retention. This disease is typical for men who are forty years old or more. With the gradual cessation of the activity of the sex glands, the prostate tissue grows at the same time.
prostatitis in men
The more the tissue grows, the more the prostate and the urinary tract are compressed. The worse the bladder empties. In addition, this formation irritates the organ, provoking a frequent desire to go "a little". Due to poor urine output, part of it remains in the bladder, subsequently causing pain in it and the kidneys, frequent urges.

prostatitis in men treatment folk remedies
Causes of prostatitis of the prostate gland
Why does this disease occur?
The older a man becomes, the more his hormonal background changes, which affects the ongoing processes in the body. Blame for the appearance of adenoma heredity, sedentary work and inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. The prostate gland with an adenoma begins to grow in breadth and thereby interfere with the daily outflow of urine. Due to the impossibility of normal emptying of the bladder, urine remains in it and begins to accumulate. Its stagnation and release to the kidneys is formed. Stagnation is dangerous by the appearance of the infection process. Infected urine, getting into the kidneys, causes inflammation, disruption of normal functioning and, as a result, kidney failure.
Prostate adenoma in men symptoms treatment
Symptoms of prostate adenoma include:
- disturbed urination;
- urinary retention;
- its weakened stream;
- lower abdominal pain.
Often patients complain of frequent urges at night.
Without treatment, the lower back subsequently hurts, and urine ceases to flow almost completely. A man urinates drop by drop, which is squeezed out by a bladder filled to the limit. Due to the large filling, there is an increase in the bladder and a decrease in the sensitivity of its walls. Since this disease provokes kidney failure, its manifestations also become noticeable:
- edema appears;
- the skin becomes greenish;
- the man is losing weight.
In the absence of timely effective treatment of adenoma, complications such as cystitis, inflammation of the epididymis, and prostate cancer can occur.
Prostatitis in men: signs of how to treat drugs
Treatment of prostate adenoma can be carried out in two ways: conservative and surgical.
In the first, the patient takes hormones that wrinkle the tissue of the gland. Due to its decrease, the outflow of urine becomes complete. During surgery, an operation is performed to remove part of the gland to expand the channel. During the period of treatment, it is necessary to strictly monitor the work of the intestines, observe the thermal regime of the body and a certain diet without hot spices, mustard, smoked alcohol.
You should limit the time of the last meal.
It should be more than two hours before bedtime. A qualified specialist will select the necessary treatment. In case of failure with medication, a surgical method is used.
Prostate adenoma in men symptoms treatment drugs: folk remedies
Quite often, not wanting to seek help from official medicine or not trusting it, men try to treat adenoma with folk remedies.
What does traditional medicine offer in this case? But in this case, you should be aware that treatment with folk remedies, without visiting a urologist, can harm the body and worsen the condition of a man.
how to cure prostatitis in men
Folk remedies should not go as independent drugs, but only as additional medicines prescribed by a doctor.
If you suspect the presence of prostate adenoma, you should not hesitate to contact a doctor. If, nevertheless, effective treatment with folk remedies is used, then it is most effective when using herbs, honey and honey products.
Its use effectively solves the problem of the disease even in its chronic form. This bee product is a gift of nature and a storehouse of the most useful organic compounds that affect the human body in the most favorable way. Propolis is a panacea for many ailments, having a powerful antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. For a medicinal extract, forty grams of it is boiled in two hundred milliliters of alcohol and rectal suppositories are made from the brew. Must be used within one month.
well relieves inflammation and inhibits tumor growth. It is used in the form of various tinctures. For example, like this. It is necessary to mix celery juice and honey in equal proportions. Take up to three times a day, two tablespoons. It will be useful to drink the mixture with infusion of birch leaves.
For the treatment of adenoma, suppositories are widely used, which give an excellent effect. They are sold ready-made in a pharmacy or prepared independently according to the following recipe. Three tablespoons of flour are mixed with one similar spoon of honey and chicken egg. Candles are frozen and used in the morning and evening for a month. Then you need a break for a week, after which the course must be repeated.
still prepared from stone oil (brashkun). It is taken five grams per three liters of boiled warm water. Infuse for three days and drain without sediment. Take strictly through a straw for half a cup three times a day. There is an opinion that this recipe allows you to get rid of adenoma without a trace.
A very hard way of treatment is fasting for a period of twenty-one days. It is contraindicated in the elderly because of the possible accompanying conditions (weakness and dizziness) and those who have a weakened immune system. This method is not suitable for everyone, but it is very effective, since one of the means of treatment is a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Physical exercise, cycling, alcohol exclusion, walking - these are the components of success in the fight against prostate adenoma.
The use of leeches in the fight against adenoma helps to get rid of stagnation of urine, improve tissue nutrition and blood circulation. Currently, hirudotherapy is widely used in medicine due to excellent results. For treatment, it is necessary to undergo four courses of twelve procedures.
Herbs for the treatment of prostatitis
Herbs are strong competitors to other methods of treating this disease, which, moreover, provide effective prevention. Their use helps to avoid surgery.
- Pumpkin seeds give good results in the treatment of adenoma. They need to be applied only in the dried state with a green core. Eat up to one hundred and fifty grams of such seeds per day and in a month you will forget about your problem.
- Celandine will help to get rid of this disease forever. Prepare an infusion of dried celandine. In a similar recipe, brew one tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for three hours, strain and take one tablespoon three times a month. There is a little secret: if you collect celandine on your own, then it is recommended to do this in May-June, when it blooms. And, most importantly, do not overdose. Celandine is a dangerous herb and negatively affects the digestive tract.
With prostate adenoma, it is also recommended to eat oatmeal, buckwheat and corn porridge. Flaxseed, consumed two teaspoons a day, will have a positive effect. The same effect comes from fresh onions in the diet.
Garlic infusion helps a lot. Pour half a liter of boiling water over a spoonful of his gruel and insist for eight hours. Such an infusion is a good remedy not only for adenoma, but also for impotence.
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