Heartburn during pregnancy. What to take?

Pregnancy is a wonderful position for a woman. But each woman's pregnancy is different. And in some women, heartburn is a common problem. And heartburn can occur at any time. And even if before a certain period, it was not, this does not mean that it will not be later.

heartburn during pregnancy causes

heartburn during pregnancy what to doHeartburn is characterized by an unpleasant and sour taste in the mouth, which manifests itself very sharply.
And there is an uncomfortable feeling in a woman. This happens after the woman has eaten. Most often, heartburn appears in the second half of pregnancy. The duration of heartburn is from two minutes to two hours. How to cure heartburn without harming your child? Clothing that is too tight around the stomach should be avoided.

After all, this is an additional pressure on the stomach, and this can provoke heartburn.
heartburn during pregnancy what to do Therefore, it is necessary to wear comfortable, comfortable clothing. This clothing should not tighten and complicate the movement. A common problem of heartburn is a reaction to food that the stomach of a pregnant woman does not perceive.
After all, you need to avoid the use of spicy, salty, sweet - if these foods cause heartburn. Everything should be eaten in moderation, and make sure that the food is not harmful. Pregnant women are very fond of sour vegetables, but unfortunately, these vegetables also provoke heartburn.
Therefore, it is recommended to reduce their consumption. There are many drugs that help to cope with heartburn.
But not all of them have a positive effect on the development of the fetus. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor who will help you choose an excellent and harmless remedy for heartburn. But a woman herself can help herself with heartburn, it is best to do this with a diet.
This is a very simple and effective option that does not harm the child. Basic rules of this diet:

  •   You need to eat fractionally, 6-8 times a day. Portions should be small. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.
  •  Milk is recommended. Of course, if there are no allergic reactions.
  •  It is also good and useful to use jelly, potato juice.
  •  You can't lie on your back.
  •  You can eat oatmeal, carrots, almonds.
  •  Ginger also has a positive effect on the body of a woman.
  •  And the best cure for heartburn is a great mood. Some women advise:<<Less stress and tension, more positive emotions!>> Therefore, you need to take care and appreciate yourself and your future baby.

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