Character and fate: what is the connection

Many believe that the fate of man is predestined by the Almighty. And no matter how parents or teachers fight later, the child will still follow the program that was originally invested in him. There is some truth in this formulation, but also some rough edges.

Yes, a child is given a certain energy potential from birth, but how he realizes it and whether he realizes it at all is a big question. The same energy can be used both to achieve a good and negative, from the point of view of morality, goal. Energy in itself cannot be good or bad, only the deeds realized with the help of it are appreciated.

Pros and cons of character

History knows great personalities with both a plus sign and a minus sign. For example, a man like Hitler is called an "evil genius." What they have done is simply monstrous. But if you look from the point of view of his power, then he still possessed it, otherwise how could he manage to subjugate so many people by the power of persuasion. Another example is a positive hero, but also very strong in spirit, in terms of the power of influence - this is Peter the Great. His contribution to the development of his native state is simply colossal.

Thus, the potential inherent in nature is very important as an initial starting point. However, where the energy will be directed, in what direction - partly depends on the circumstances, the conditions of life in which its owner will fall. For in the formation of personality, the immediate environment plays an important role. Thanks to him, the child receives life lessons and values.

Your fate is in your hands

It is no coincidence that psychologists say that a person makes his own destiny with his own hands. By listening to the signs, the doomed can avoid tragedy. You just need to be observant, and not blindly believe in your conclusions.

A person, relying on false values, can go far in his unreliable actions. However, having become entangled in his own concepts, he can also realize the degree of delusion and go through mistakes to the true path. Suppose a certain manager has determined for himself that the main thing in life is to achieve his goal, no matter what it costs: to go over the heads, push everyone with his elbows. In other words, adhere to the principle that the end justifies the means. For this, he becomes a sycophant, a liar, and finally a scoundrel. But, having acquired the coveted position and a good salary, looking back, he suddenly realizes that he was practically alone: ​​there are no friends, there are only subordinates who despise him, he has long forgotten his parents (he was carried away by the struggle for a “place in the sun”). In exchange for the desired benefits, he received loneliness.

In this situation, he can realize his tragedy, or he can remain with his own - this is his right. But his life will continue to develop according to the decisions he made.

Therefore, for those who believe that nothing special needs to be done in this life, because fate itself will do everything, I would like to wish that you still spread your brains: what would the circumstances be like if you tried this, did not allow it. Everyone is given chances, especially in those cases when a person strives for something. It is important not to miss your "lucky ticket", but to use it. Sometimes fate repeatedly gives the opportunity to change something, but a person stubbornly does not want to see this. Then fate says: "Okay, be your way!" - and the person continues to sit up to his ears in the same ...

Character makes destiny

At times, to achieve certain goals, a person needs a lot of mental strength, faith, discipline and certain character traits that have not been shown before. Perhaps, due to the absence of the mentioned advantages or, conversely, in the presence of any shortcomings, the author of an interesting idea does not want to strive for its implementation. In general, he has 2 ways to choose: to do or not to do. And here, everyone who would like to change something or leave their mark on history is waiting for the features of their own character. If the desire is strong enough, then a person cultivates in himself the qualities necessary to achieve the goal. With diligence and perseverance, he still achieves his plan. However, it also happens that initially the ideologue has all the data, but he becomes a hostage to any one trait of his character, for example, laziness. And, unfortunately, for this reason, he does not succeed in moving far along the intended path.

By the way, in principle, there are no bad and good character traits. Where, for example, confidence is of paramount importance, in another area it can even get in the way. For example, excessive confidence when meeting a man can lead you not at all to the result that you expected.

The role of the name in the fate of man

The name plays an important role in a person's life. As they say, how do you call the yacht ... It has been noticed that it is much easier for women with standard names to move up the career ladder than for owners of rare names. Because the first from childhood do not have complexes about the intricate or unusual-sounding combination of the name and patronymic, they feel more confident and secure. But in the field of show business, ordinary names are not quoted and do not promise fame and popularity. That's all relative.

There are other features as well. For example, names (or a name with a patronymic) containing the letter “r” have more energy, and, accordingly, add chances to achieve good results in any kind of activity.

A change of name or surname can dramatically affect the course of life. It is no coincidence that a wife who takes her husband's surname has a chance of both good growth in some direction, and, conversely, a not very successful change in occupation, and getting stuck in monotonous work.

In general, everything in this life matters. And a lot, by the way, depends on you. So mold your destiny with your own hands.

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