What is charisma?

Charisma is that elusive thing in a person that attracts many to him. A kind of magnetism that can arouse sympathy in others.

More than a century ago, sociologist Max Weber, studying the phenomenon of the success of famous people, came to the conclusion that they all have certain character traits that allow them to gather thousands of like-minded or admirers around them. In other words, a charismatic person is able to convince, captivate, arouse trust and interest, even if he does not have super-intelligence. Here, rather, his ability to present himself, to intrigue, to create such a verbal image that will sink into the soul even to skeptics plays a role. True leaders are lucky .

The most interesting thing is that a charismatic person may not always be right in what he does, but people who listen to his speeches are somehow sure that he offers them the right path. Therefore, without any hesitation, they follow him even to the "end of the world." It happened that even such "evil geniuses" as Hitler managed to influence huge masses of people. From which it follows that it is not the polarity of the pulse that is important, but its strength. Even if a person is mistaken, he is still followed by a crowd of thirsty people, because he was able to convince them, or inspire them with the correctness of his judgment.

Is it possible to become a charismatic person?

Undoubtedly, something has been invested in each of us by the Almighty. However, under the influence of the outside world: at first, parents, then teachers, classmates and other people, individual characteristics are sometimes lost. There is uncertainty, perhaps disappointment. But if something is given by nature, it means that somewhere in the depths it still exists. We just need to help it show up.

Of course, not everyone is born to become Alla Pugacheva, Vladimir Lenin, Yuri Nikulin. But it is possible to open up as a person even with any internal potential: the seed must germinate and become a flower. Of course, if the activity is related to public speaking, a person mobilizes the maximum of his internal resources, as they say, the position obliges.

But even working as a manager in an ordinary company, you can show the best qualities. You probably noticed that in the store consultants behave differently. Someone knows how to win over, and someone just has to catch up with potential buyers. Therefore, to be attractive, you need to work on yourself.

Namely, always have your own view of things. True, originality does not always go with a bang, but this is the whole point: not be afraid to be unpopular and be able to defend your opinion. Those who are not capable of this are forced to nod their heads and support someone else's point of view, and at times imitate their charismatic idols.

Shyness and charisma are two incompatible concepts. If you pretend to be zest, then be able to present it beautifully. Sitting on the sidelines and silent, it is unlikely that you will be noticed.

Feel free to laugh at yourself. Actually it is very important. The flexibility of perception will allow you to show all the facets of your nature and not get hung up on possible mistakes. Only a charismatic person, in spite of everything, can move towards his goals and dreams , capturing a portion of optimism along the way.

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