postpartum depression

How long does postpartum depression last?

Such a phenomenon as postpartum depression is still not fully understood. It is only clear that this condition can appear in women after the birth of a child, regardless of their age, nationality and marital status. True, there is one caveat: this is not manifested in every newly-made mother.

Being in postpartum depression is characterized by some characteristic features. A young mother has frequent mood swings, aggressive attacks against her husband are not ruled out. Irritability at the slightest provocation, apathy or excessive anxiety. Depressed state, lack of any interest in their appearance. In a word, it is clear that a person is psychologically uncomfortable.

There may be several reasons. Firstly, the dependence of such a state on hormonal changes in the body is not excluded. Secondly, after becoming a mother, a woman realizes that much has changed in her life. She looks at the world differently, perhaps now other values ​​have come to the fore. And besides this, there were enough reasons for concern: this is a changed figure, and coldness in relations with her husband , maybe financial difficulties, and worries for the baby also affect. As a result, all this is layered and the woman is unable to overcome sadness and anxiety in herself.

How to deal with postpartum depression

Of course, the young mother herself must make efforts to change her mood and attitude towards the world. Various methods are good for this: a change of scenery, going on a visit, visiting the gym, meeting with friends to discuss exciting issues. You can "hang out" on forums where similar topics are discussed. It is important for a woman at this moment to feel that she is not alone, that others have similar problems. It is worth noting the role of close people in this situation. Well, if the husband will support. Although sometimes even the attention of the spouse does not save the situation. In especially severe cases, of course, the help of a specialist will not hurt.

It happens that on their own they manage to cope with a depressive state. The main thing is to do something. Try to restore emotional balance, then the process will go faster.

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