How to make the correct shape of the eyebrows at home?

Eyebrow correction occupies a special place in the modern beauty industry. Almost all stylists and image makers talk about how to make eyebrows at home correctly. Below are the most important aspects in the question of the correct shape of the eyebrows for a round and oval face, as well as the best tools for coloring and much more.

Eyebrows are always in sight and attract attention. That is why it is important that their color, shape and bend are in order. After all, eyebrows affect the expression of the face, and can also hide the flaws in appearance. A unkempt, unstressed brow line does not complete the look, giving sloppiness to the entire make-up.

Currently, thick, thick eyebrows, as well as NUDE style makeup, prevail among the fashion trends in makeup. Those. it is enough to make a tone, emphasize the eyebrows, and the make-up will already look complete and well-groomed.

Now there are many offers for eyebrow care in salons and beauty studios. However, beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows can be done at home without resorting to their help.

So, eyebrow modeling can be divided into three steps:

  1. It is necessary to designate the correct shape of the eyebrow bend.
  2. Make the shape correction itself, i.e. pluck unwanted hairs.
  3. Color the eyebrow line - this will give it clarity.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about how to properly make eyebrows at home. Just at each stage of eyebrow correction, you need to observe some nuances and secrets.

What is the correct eyebrow shape: eyebrow bend

The main thing in a beautiful line of eyebrows is their bend. First you need to mark the start and end points and the place where the eyebrows bend, and then start plucking out unnecessary hairs. The standard scheme is quite simple. We start with the right eye.

  1. To determine the beginning of the eyebrow, we take a regular thin pencil for eyebrows or eyes. We apply one tip to the wing of the right nostril, and direct the other to the inner corner of the right eye so that the pencil forms a straight vertical line. This line indicates the starting point of the eyebrow. If there are hairs in front of the pencil, they need to be plucked out.
  2. We define the end of the eyebrow as follows : leave the lower tip of the pencil there at the wing of the nostrils, and transfer the upper part to the outer corner of the eye. The intersection point of the pencil with this part of the eyebrow will indicate the end of the eyebrow line. If the eyebrow line does not reach this place, you will need to bring it up.
  3. We determine the place of the eyebrow bend by directing the pencil from the edge of the right nostril through the center of the pupil to the outer edge of the eye. At the intersection of the eyebrow and the pencil, there will be a place for the bend of the eyebrow.

Similar manipulations must be carried out with the left eye. This technique is classic and suitable for every girl.

However, following some secret tricks, in addition to modeling the bend of the eyebrow, you can also make a face correction.

Here are some of them:

  • The correct shape of the eyebrows for girls with a round face can be considered high, sharper eyebrows. This shape of the eyebrow bend will help to visually make the face more oblong.
  • For girls with a square face shape, the classic shape of the eyebrows is suitable, in which the bend passes directly above the pupil of the eye or is slightly shifted to the outer edge;
  • A straight, even shape of the eyebrow line is most suitable for owners of a very elongated face.
  • For a heart-shaped face, crescent-shaped eyebrows are suitable.
  • The correct shape of the eyebrows for an oval face can be considered a pointed eyebrow line, which will make the look more interesting and attractive.

Fashion trends are constantly changing not only in the style of trousers, shoes or lipstick color, but also in the shape of the eyebrows. So, in the 20s of the last century, “eyebrows-threads” were fashionable, but at the moment naturalness in the image is relevant. The eyebrow line should be natural, proportional in shape, not too thick and not too thin, with smooth curves, slightly narrowed towards the end.

For beginners in the business of eyebrows, it is not always immediately possible to correctly determine the type of appearance, and in accordance with this, choose the shape of the eyebrows that suits. Therefore, for the first time, you can contact the master in a beauty salon to find the perfect shape, thickness, color. And after that, you just need to take care of your eyebrows at home: pluck and tint.

How to correct the shape of the eyebrows: eyebrow correction

When the first stage is over, you have chosen the desired shape, thickness and bend of the eyebrows, you can proceed to the next one - directly plucking unwanted hairs. Despite the many methods, at home, ordinary eyebrow tweezers are most often used. Of course, there are more extreme ways - for example, a razor or silk thread. But, using a razor, you can shave off too many hairs, or even get hurt, and the thread method is quite difficult to do on your own. Therefore, let's talk about the traditional removal of excess hairs - by plucking.

It would seem, what could be easier than plucking your eyebrows at home?

But for an excellent result, the following nuances must be observed:

  • preparation of the skin around the eyebrow;
  • sufficient lighting;
  • pluck hair properly.

1. To reduce the inconvenience caused to people with a low pain threshold, it is additionally necessary to anesthetize the skin around the eyes and eyelids. Two methods are used for this: steaming or cooling. To properly steam your face, you need to tilt your head over a container of hot water and cover yourself with a towel or make a compress from a hot towel.

For a cooling effect, you need to wrap a few ice cubes in a towel or napkin, and apply to the area around the eyelid. Also for ice, you can use decoctions from a variety of herbs, such as sage, chamomile, celandine. If such ice is used without a towel, then in addition to anesthesia, you can additionally achieve a calming effect on the skin around the eyes.

Each individual, based on his own experience, can choose a more suitable method for himself. Cooling is more common, as a more analgesic effect is achieved, but facial steaming contributes to a more comfortable and gentle plucking of hairs.

2. One of the fundamental factors is high-quality lighting. The ideal option would be either natural sunlight or very bright artificial. Since plucked hairs cannot be returned back, you need to be very careful. After all, the growth of a new hair will have to wait about a month, and this cannot but upset. In addition, wounds from tweezers, which can be done in poor lighting, will become an unpleasant consequence.

3. To make the right beautiful eyebrow - the movements with tweezers should be clear, sharp and directed along the growth of the hair. It is not recommended to pluck your eyebrows in the opposite direction of hair growth, because. this can cause subsequent ingrowth, and the hair may not completely pull out, and subsequently an ugly black dot will result.

Everything should stick to the golden mean, and eyebrow correction is no exception. An eyebrow that is too thick or thin, too short or long will look untidy, ridiculous and inappropriate. Therefore, it is worth showing accuracy, responsibility and painstaking work with eyebrows.

Additional recommendations:

  1. Before you start plucking out excess hair on the eyebrows, they certainly need to be combed according to the growth of hairs. This will make it possible to more specifically see the area where the hair is needed and where it is superfluous.
  2. Experts do not recommend plucking the top row of hair, i.e. only the bottom row can be plucked.
  3. Before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the tweezers with alcohol. After all, a sterile, disinfected instrument guarantees the absence of unpleasant pimples and redness.
  4. In order for the skin to recover faster after plucking the eyebrows, it is better to stay at home after the procedure, avoid the sun, dust, wind and cosmetics on the face.
  5. Owners of oily facial skin are recommended to degrease or powder the skin before the process, since the sebum on the spikelets can interfere with the process of pulling out the hairs.
  6. It is necessary to use only ordinary mirrors without magnification, since excessive magnification can lead to pulling out extra hairs that cannot be returned back.

After modeling the eyebrows, it is better to wash your face with warm water, wipe it with a tonic along the eyebrow line or apply a soothing agent with a cooling effect. Alternatively, you can use a piece of aloe, which many people have on hand at home.

Among other things, stylists also advise cutting eyebrows. This procedure should be resorted to if the eyebrow at the bridge of the nose is too fluffy, and the hairs are very knocked out. To do this, the eyebrow is combed up, then all unruly hairs are trimmed with straight nail scissors.

How to color the shape of the eyebrows: coloring tools

When you are done with the design of the shape, bend, and extra hairs, it's time to start coloring the eyebrows. If the color of the hair and eyebrows match, the eyebrow hairs can simply be fixed with a transparent modeling gel. However, if the difference is obvious and striking, and the eyebrows look sparse, you should resort to means for coloring them.

It can be:

  • eyebrow shadows;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • eyebrow dye;
  • clear gel.

Everyone chooses a remedy to taste. All of them have no contraindications and are safe for skin and hair. But there are some tips for using them.

1. An option now gaining popularity - eyebrow shadows . The convenience of shadows is that they are quite economical to use, they last for a long time. In addition, they create additional density and volume of the eyebrow. Also, unlike a pencil, they do not give such well-defined lines that may look unnatural.

2. The most common option is an eyebrow pencil . Most girls use it, and here's why. Pencil is the least expensive option, very easy to use, gives a clear line, is able to draw spaces between the hairs if you suddenly pluck out too much, and can also give a rich color to the hairs. At the same time, in case of incorrect application, it is quite simple to wipe it off and try to apply it again. The pencil is very convenient for drawing the very contour of the eyebrow due to the sharp lead.

But you should not forget the following rules for its operation:

  • The pencil should not be too soft and not too hard. So, soft can not withstand the heat, and hard - it is unpleasant to scratch the skin;
  • in order not to get a non-natural and overly saturated color, you should be careful with a soft pencil, as it is easily taken;
  • a pencil with high softness is optimally suited for hatching. And in order to draw places with rarely growing hairs, a harder pencil is better.

An automatic pencil is considered more practical. But, if preference is given to the classic, then you need to prepare for its constant sharpening. And if the lead is soft, it is advisable to keep it in the freezer for a while, since a too loose lead can be damaged by a sharpener.

It is not easy to choose the right shade of eyebrow pencil on your own. According to the standard rule, brown-haired women and brunettes should choose a color lighter than their hair color, and blondes, on the contrary, a little darker. This means that the difference with the hair should be no more than two tones. For girls with bright red hair, any option from dark brown to light blond can suit.

The only clear contraindication in the color of the stylus is absolutely black. Too saturated and not natural, it can ruin any makeup, and give the image of vulgarity and untidiness. If you really choose something close, then ashy shades. You should also be careful with shades with a red undertone. They should be used only by owners of a warm color type and a reddish tint of hair.

3. How to properly color the shape of the eyebrows . In fact, applying dye to the eyebrows is not so difficult. In this case, the main thing is practice. And then eyebrow color modeling can be done quickly and at the same time beautifully. First of all, we need to understand what we want to get in the end: either a completely reshaped eyebrow, or just give it a brighter shade.

Here are a few options on how to properly adjust the color of the eyebrow:

  • with a white concealer we designate the contour of the eyebrows;
  • if the density of the eyebrow does not suit you, we apply a pencil or shadow on it with shading according to the growth of the hairs;
  • so that the color lies evenly, we comb the eyebrow with a special brush;
  • to give the eyebrows brightness and clarity, blend the concealer around the eyebrow line.

To make the eyebrows more natural, experienced makeup artists use several shades of shadows when applying color: it is lighter at the bridge of the nose, and darken the eyebrows towards the tail.

In the case when the eyebrows do not need additional correction, shadows are simply applied to them with an ordinary short beveled brush. It is better to use matte shadows without sparkles for this, in order to achieve greater naturalness.

4. The final step is to fix the eyebrow with a transparent gel . If the hairs do not stick out in different directions, and generally lie obediently, then this stage can be skipped. But, if there is a long day ahead, and naughty eyebrows, it is better to resort to this method.

Making the right eyebrow shape at home is real! The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and practice.

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