Effective mosquito repellent for the whole family

Everyone is waiting for a warm summer and a vacation to lie on the beach, swim in the sea during the day and spend the night in tents under the moon at night. Unfortunately, sometimes nature spoils our plans, one such example is mosquitoes. It is difficult to find an effective mosquito repellent, especially for the street, but this article will describe how to get rid of mosquitoes in the house and on the street.

Effective mosquito repellentTypes of mosquito repellents

Mosquitoes are insects that bite quite painfully. In order to get rid of them, you need to know what to use against them. If you take the right tool to fight mosquitoes, then it will certainly help. Types of means against mosquitoes:

  • ultrasonic repellers;
  • electronic stink repellers;
  • plates for burning;
  • dry stinkers;
  • body lotion;
  • Body Oil;
  • body cream;
  • milky for the body.

There are many means against mosquitoes, but in order to get rid of annoying insects, you should choose an effective mosquito repellent. There are other methods of fighting mosquitoes - folk. The people have always used herbs and plant oils.

Mosquito control chemicals

Despite the effectiveness of chemicals, it should be noted that they not only harm mosquitoes, but also humans. For human skin, respiratory system and mucous membranes, the chemical composition of these products is also dangerous. Mosquito is enough of the concentrate that is in the composition of the poison, and for humans it is harmful in countable amounts.

It is necessary to choose a chemical insect repellent with caution, if the active substances in the preparation are more than 40%, then it should not be given to children under 16 years of age. For adults, this tool is suitable. Such a spray or cream will certainly be effective, but it will be harmful to the skin, protection for 3-4 hours. Incandescent lotions, incandescent plates and burning plates are usually produced at this concentration.

For human skin, preparations with a concentration of the active active substance of 20-30% are usually used. Such a tool can be applied to the skin, it will be safe for adults. But for children under 6 years old, it is better not to use such a drug. Particular care should be taken to use such drugs for allergic people.

Effective mosquito repellentWhich chemicals are the most effective

In the first place in the ranking - Diethyltoluamide .

The most effective tool in the fight against mosquitoes, it has been developed for a long time. Since the war, this drug has been protecting people from insect invasions. This drug can be bought as a spray, lotion or oil. In liquids, this agent is usually sold in 40-30% concentration. The drug in its pure form is rare. Among the existing chemicals, Diethyltoluamide is the most effective, but it is prohibited for children and allergy sufferers, due to the strong concentration of active substances.

Second place - Picaridin , its other names are Saltidin and Icardin .

This drug is also effective, but the result is inferior to Diethyltoluamide. This tool was created in France, not so long ago, in 2001. This drug pleases with the duration of action, despite the concentration, you can be sure that when using it, mosquitoes will not approach for a long time. In the United States of America, Picaridin is the most popular and is added to all insecticides produced in their territory.

Third place - Oksamat .

This substance has been used for a long time in Russia. Oksamat is widely used in the field of agriculture, they are treated with animals and premises. Due to its low toxicity and strong effect on cold-blooded animals, it has been used in humans as well, creating a safer formula. It is safe for people, it is even used for children.

In addition to the above, there are such tools as:

  • Aerosol Off;
  • spray Mosquitoll;
  • spray Comarex;
  • spray Picnic Super;
  • Gardex Baby bracelet;
  • cream Off;
  • lotion Off.

 Folk remedies for mosquito control

In the good old days, when people did not yet know what chemistry and the chemical industry were, they found other ways to deal with insects. Folk remedies are also effective. Folk remedies against mosquitoes are nothing more than repellers with the help of smell. Herbs and plants that can help reduce mosquitoes in your yard include:

  • lemongrass;
  • geranium;
  • peppermint;
  • tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • eucalyptus;
  • Melissa.

In the fight against mosquitoes on the territory of the house, you can use such folk remedies: cloves, basil, peppermint, cinnamon, thyme or anise. In order for mosquitoes to be repelled by these herbs, you need to spread them around the house, you can do this in a beautiful vase or decorative saucer. In addition to protecting against mosquitoes, such a composition will create a pleasant aroma and can fit perfectly into the interior.

You can also use the essential oils of the listed herbs. In order for the oil to repel mosquitoes, you need to moisten a piece of cloth or small soft toys in it, such as are often hung in cars. It will be a flavoring and repellent. Do not apply oil on the body, you can stain your clothes. As for open areas of the body, you can lubricate the inside of the forearm, 2-3 drops of oil will be enough for this.

An effective mosquito repellent will also be aromatherapy for your family, so when choosing oils or herbs, you should consider an allergic reaction.

How to deal with mosquitoes for new parents

When it comes to children, parents try to find the safest and most effective way to control mosquitoes. Children have sensitive skin, contact with various chemical compounds may cause an allergic reaction, therefore, before applying the drug, you need to read its composition. Many parents consult with doctors, they often talk about folk remedies, less often about chemical developments. If the child is more than 3 years old, then you can find a chemical agent for him, but if the baby is completely tiny, then you should come to folk methods.

Chemical developments should have a concentration of the active substance of no more than 10-15%, so as not to harm the baby. Such a remedy will not be very effective, but it will not harm your baby. If you need protection on the street while walking, then you need to use aerosols and sprays, but in the house you can use an ultrasonic repeller or an electronic version. Also in the pharmacy you can find milk for babies, against small insects.

Folk remedies, as already mentioned, are herbal smells. To protect your baby, you can use essential oils of rosemary, peppermint or lavender. You can use other oils, but these will also become aromatherapy for the crumbs and those around him. You can use milk to moisturize the baby's skin, add the essential oil of one of the herbs that suits you and mix them. In its pure form, such a tool can not be used, in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

Allergy from chemicals is a common reason for young mothers to go to the hospital, so before buying funds, you should visit a pediatrician. The doctor knows best what is right for your baby if he has kept his card since birth. Also, he will prescribe an effective mosquito repellent, which is the best in your city.

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